I installed Beryl from Package Manager in Linux Mint 4.
But when I try to install Beryl-manager, it gives an error.
I cant understand what it means & how to I solve it?
beryl is already a dead project as it re-merged with compiz to form compiz-fusion.try using Ubuntu compiz-fusion repository.
purge beryl completely using synaptic package manager.
I didn't mean this. I meant when many windows are open & u take the mouse pointer to the upper right corner of ur screen, all the windows that are open are aligned on the desktop from which we can click & select the window we want.
Yeah its the scale Plugin. To get a similar view of al your workspaces with the programs in it Use the Expose Plugin. Refer to the shortcuts in the Advanced Desktop Effect Settings Window.
Alt + Tab is not expose. Alt + Tab just lets you switch between programs in the same workspace if IM correct. Expose lines up yopur workspaces and you can click on any of the programs in the workspaces and send focus on it.
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