Problem when playing games on PC


Cyborg Agent
Hello everyone,

A weird problem has started coming in my PC. Whenever i start playing any game like NFSMW(2012) or PoP, it is clearly distinguishable by the sound of FAN of GPU that it has started running at high speed. And this is quite usual IMO since these games also requires more GPU power.

But all of sudden in between playing games the games suddenly hangs, FAN speed also reduced a lot.
and then i have to come out by killing game task in task manager.
My GFX card - Zotac 560Ti
Please provide solution for this.


^^ ummm multitude of reasons for the crash...But what have been your observations before the game crashes???

Have you tried un-installing the current driver and rolling back to a previous version, in-case this is happening after a new driver update?

Do you see stuttering, inconsistent framerate or is it just a random crash?
For starters , can you moniter the temps pf both ur gpu and cpu from the time it idles---game--crash--back to idle...use a logger facility...
I see your ex card was a gtx 460, do you still have that around? can you plug in and check if the same is re-occurring?


Cyborg Agent
nothing much peculiar about the observation, but i think it generally occur when playing games with heavy processing.

actually my GTX460 gone kaput so got the 560ti.. updated the drivers in the starting only..

and no stuttering.. its feels as just as a random crash.. it could be 'coz of temperature, need to check those this tym.. how to use logger facility?


Legend Never Ends
Can you post your complete PC configuration?
Does the crash only happen in NFSMW2012 at exactly the same place? Would also recommend to check for bad sector in HDD.


@@ pulkit: Umm try re-installing the the driver..after a clean uninstall of the current version.
For logging, most hardware monitoring software have a option to log details in a chosen text file, even the gpuz has a function..something like continoulsy log temp in file or sumthng...just search around ,,,its generally easy to find this option :)

Incase you have a partition to spare and some time, try a new install of the OS.


Cyborg Agent
its in my signature expect the graphic card it has been upgraded to GTX560 Ti..

no yesterday it happened in Prince of persia also.. it happen randomly anytime, any round/map of the game.

@@ pulkit: Umm try re-installing the the driver..after a clean uninstall of the current version.
For logging, most hardware monitoring software have a option to log details in a chosen text file, even the gpuz has a function..something like continoulsy log temp in file or sumthng...just search around ,,,its generally easy to find this option :)

Incase you have a partition to spare and some time, try a new install of the OS.

ohk.. i think i need to update drives
then i would check the temperature log.. and will update u too.. :)


Lost in speed
In the case of PoP and its "PoP:FS", i myself experienced the same problem several times.


Hello everyone,

A weird problem has started coming in my PC. Whenever i start playing any game like NFSMW(2012) or PoP, it is clearly distinguishable by the sound of FAN of GPU that it has started running at high speed. And this is quite usual IMO since these games also requires more GPU power.

But all of sudden in between playing games the games suddenly hangs, FAN speed also reduced a lot.
and then i have to come out by killing game task in task manager.
My GFX card - Zotac 560Ti
Please provide solution for this.

Hi brother my gus you are using a desktop pc not tower casing pc right????


Super Moderator
Staff member
@ OP - did you OCed your CPU/GPU - run them at stock clocks and if they GPU is factory OCed run it at stock clocks ( reference GTX 560 Ti ) using some OC tool. Monitor the temps using HWinfo and post them here - mainly cpu and gpu load temp.

run memtest86+ to test the ram modules and if possible try with a another gfx card ( even a less powerful gfx card will do ) -

he should get 2-3 more fans for his cabby !!!

Op has NZXT Phantom - do you really think he needs more fan ?


Super Moderator
Staff member
sans the front fan fan phantom comes equipped with every other fans and I think ( most probably ) Op has install the front fan but it has little less to do with gpu cooling but the side panel fan takes a major role in this.
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