Problem removing HDD

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I have 3 HDD connected to my pc

Disk 0
40 GB Samsung (Master)

Disk 1
80 GB Seagate (SATA)

Disk 2
20 GB Samsung (Slave) ----> The one I want to remove

This hdd does not contain ne data nor does it have ne programs installed in it.

Whenever i remove the hdd from my comp the comp goes not start and both xp and 2000 give errors that there is a problem with the hdd and stops loading. I tried disabling and uninstalling the disk drive from device manager, but it didnt work.Why is this is happening :? . The moment it connect it again it the os load normally

Can u help me guyz. I urgently need to remove the drive.


QA Juggler
bro..seems u have accidentaly installed the boot or other OS critical apps on this HDD ....just click show hidden/system files..and see if there are any critical files on ur HDD....if they are...remove..hdd..format reinsall..seems the only option


Cyborg Agent
Have you checked your BIOS settings ? The slave position should be set to Auto or None.

Also see if your virtual memory setting is set to use disk 2. Same for any apps (e.g. Cool Edit) that need space allocated for temporary files. The latter should not pose serious boot-up problems, but it wouldn't hurt to check anyway.


i think the prob might be with the pins.
when u remove the plug of the slave,use the same plug to connect to the master.remove the old plug and see.


chanduthebest said:
try checking all connections,, especially the power cord,,make sure the connection between the hdd and motherboard is firm

Hey I dont have problem attaching the HDD but in removing it


First of all let us know your computer configuration. Your mobo, etc. and also tell us how did u connected that SATA drive of your and How did u connect that Master drive and Slave drive of yours ( we need to know the practical connection on the mobo u are making) if possible take a photograph of your mobo with this setup and post it here. Then we will be able to give u correct info.


This was takin too long so I removed the hdd and reinstalled the the OS.

Neway thanx Guys for trying to help


Right off the assembly line
hey , , take folder options->folder options->view... then uncheck the option "hide protected operating system files" now the boot files will be visible on the root drive. after that check boot.ini and check info of OS of ur PC ,if available reinstall the OS making the other drive root.


Commander in Chief
dude, do this...

fix the HDD and boot into both the OSes one by one and do the foll :

Goto virtual memory handler (properties) and change the virt mem to some other drive that is permanent.


Disable ur HDD in device manager and then close and removeit

Check ur bios for remoing the HDD as 1st boot...
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