Price for PC Config.

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Right off the assembly line
What will be the total price for the conf.
And tell trusted brands

Core2Duo 2.4Ghz (4600)
945 original Intel
DVD-RW Liteon DH-20A4H / Sony DRU-840A-K
19" LCD
Speaker 2.1


At Hell's Disq
do not buy Intel original mobo and that too a 945 one.better get a Biostar TP35D2-A7 for 4k or abit IP35-E for 5.4k if budget permits.


Point Blanc
really what is the price you wanna go max to.

but anyways
intel C2D4600 - 5K (suggested proccy C2D 7200 @5.5)
945 mobo 2-3K(2 models available) (suggested models as hellgate says and insist on original intel mobo and price limit is ok Intel DP35DP
1 GB 800 MHz Transcend or Kingston - 1100
Sony DRU840A - 1500, 190A -1200
Monitor you have to decide
Logitech Keyboard Mouse combo - 700
UPS - APC-650VA 2.8K
Speaker 2.1 you need to decidealot of models available and you will get suggested alot. my suggestion in the basic front BXR 1121 - 1.1K I am actually thinking to buy this, do not wanna go more pricey models.


U can always refer to for prices of PC parts :) ,

Ya and dont buy 945 chipset mobo for C2D because it'll bottlenect your CPU.


I have a 945 and well :( dont go for it. It does not go well with my proccy and GPU but oveerclocks well (was a miracle i think). mine has only DDR2 667 support. Still OCing to 733MHz didnt hurt. P35 is the name of the game this days. :D hope u can get a Abit IP35:D
never, ever go with 945
and never, ever go with¨original¨ intel motherboards. They suck so much that its a sin to buy them, with the exeption of DG31PR which is a stunningly good VFM board with good OnBoard graphics(GMA X3100)

If you need such a budget, go with Biostar 610i motherboard thats available at 2.2k.
C2D E4600 is not VFM. Its much better to get an E4500 instead. Out of E4400, E4500 and E4600, the middle one is the best.

But the problem is that the E4xxx series is outdated. It makes much more sense to wait for E7200 to hit India at a cheaper price. Its the cheapest penryn.

If you are in urgency, I would suggest you to go with E2160 or E2180(if you buy an intel board).

Even better, get an Abit IP35-E or a Biostar P35 mobo for 5.5k or 4.5k respectively and an E2140, which should serve you well till you ditch the E2140 for a cheap future penryn.


At Hell's Disq
945 mobo 2-3K(2 models available) (suggested models as hellgate says and insist on original intel mobo and price limit is ok Intel DP35DP

any reason as to why u suggested Intel original mobo?
i wud always suggest to refrain from buying Intel original mobos.its better to buy abit IP35-E or Biostar doesnt hurt to get a mobo with oc capabilities.if u want then u can oc anytime but with Intel original mobos (most) u cant oc thru bios.
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