Preview + Feedback [June 2011]

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Legend Never Ends
Tech&Me said:
I think this is first time any publisher is
giving 3 issues + 3 DLDVDs all together
in a single month !!!! Guinness World
Digit itself gave 3 dvd + 1 cd in October 2008 issue which I still have
Its my first digit and one of my favourite :)


DVD index is now updated
Past issues are included
Natty is included
SKOAR hasn't been closed down, this issue has you favorite gaming mag bundled


Legend Never Ends
desiibond said:
any idea when these will be shipped?
The fact that the thread has started means they have already started shipping. I am sure that the Subscribers get the preference and so you should get earlier than us :p
how and where to check the status?

you will receive the dispatch details or if u have subscription code, u can track from the courier service, they use in Delhi and I usually track through that website. ps: the sms courier sucks though, they reported the RC name - wife for last months issue, though I personally receive it and I am single lol


any1 know how to check how many month's more subscription renaming ?

i still havent received mag dispatched email :(


Just checked the magazine on issue and because of some few pages I will be purchasing it.... well its hard time for money College Fees, Gym Fees, Tuitions, And lastly Digit made me poorer. Just Cant resist to make my hands on it & I think every boy out on this site would be wondering when it will be on stands incl. me thanks Digit you filled my demands without telling you :)

Extreme Gamer

SKOAR hasn't been closed down, this issue has you favorite gaming mag bundled

How can i get skoar?

My local newspaper stand said that Skoar has been closed down and they dont get it any more.I couldnt even find it(for subscription) in your website in feb.


In the zone
:goodjob:Nice Guys!!!

I think this is first time any publisher is giving 3 issues + 3 DLDVDs all together in a single month !!!! Guinness World Records :toast:

waiting for it.......:goodjob:

Digit themselves had given 5 DL DVDs and 5 Issues in one of the December issues


Digit themselves had given 5 DL DVDs and 5 Issues in one of the December issues

As per to my knwlege, Digit has given 3dual DVD with single DVD in its previous issues. But there were no other flip copy of magazine. Can you tell me which was that special issue. I've purchasing from march 2009 and dual layer DVDS were distributed by magazines from december 2008. There was no five Dual layer DVD EDITION. Or rather 5issues of digit
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