It seems the folks over at jonnyguru are somewhat biased towards corsair-they clearly don't wish to entertain any claims that the psu may be faulty by design.
Acc. To corsair's official specs, the fan in this model is governed by the load on the psu-it doesn't seem affected by the ambient temperature. That may be the reason why it didn't start in case of the user who blew in hot air using his hair dryer as the psu was not adequately loaded.
This may be risky and might explain why many users have reported that the connectors in the psu are susceptible to melting on prolonged usage.
In hot countries like ours the ambient temps reach alarming levels even under normal circumstances,despite that if the fan doesn't start it may cause the components to heat up and melt.
I was keen on buying this psu to replace my seasonic s12ii 620,but i don't know whether it will be the right thing to do or not,especially because i have a 650va ups. I can't afford to replace both right now.