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Yes!!!! Thanks !!!! :)

For video how to embed??



Your cabinet is a bit dusty. Do you clean it often??



how do you embed images and videos in TDF?? I've never been able to do it.


Same here :(

and [youtube]code after = sign on youtube link[/youtube]

use the above



Your cabinet is a bit dusty. Do you clean it often??

The first pic is the original setup. Last cleaning was about 6 months ago. I take the thing apart and clean about every 6 months.

The final pic looks dusty because of the reflection from the flash.

Unlike a routine cleaning, this time we literally took the HAF-X apart, detaching everything that could be detached, and did a very thorough cleaning. It took us about 3 hours for that alone, just getting the dust out of all the nooks and crannies.
I think the only way to get it any cleaner would have been to actually wash it.

maybe next time, we will go over it with some wet cloth and then leave it to dry for a day or two. Couldn't do that this time as it was raining.


Retired Forum Mod
placed order for Sony NH-AA-B2KN (2100mah) battery at HS18. received Sony NH-AA-B2EN (2500mah). sometimes i like these small errors by HS18. cost 365 bucks.


I am not an Owl
its WTH = What The Hell

Thanks, I didn't know that at all.

Now read that previous comment of mine again.

Look at OP's images.

Read your comment.

Look at OP's images again (I hope you see the Verizon branding now)

Read that previous comment of mine again.

Read your comment again.

Bask in the glow of your enlightenment.



Fell Off the Asembly Line
WTH !!! imported ??? for how much ????
need MOAR PICS !!!!!!!!!!!!
Yup, I got it imported, the cost was about ~$460 for the phone and 2.8k for Shipping+ custom.

The screen and build quality is amazing, my Nexus 4 screen looks washed out in front of it.

More pics-

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