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Aspiring Novelist
Sony Bravia 40EX520 & A.C. Ryan POHD Mini:

The box as it came from the dealer.

Back and side panel connectivity.

Side buttons.

I tried to click images of video/DTH streaming to the device, but they came out totallyx10 sh$$. My Sony Cyber Shot cannot do this. So, sorry about those images, which are mandate for such thread. But later on you will see the screen size.

Since the Sony Bravia series have a limitation for file support via the USB, I purchased an A.C. Ryan Play on HD [POHD] media player. It is a great device which runs out-of-the-box. Can be connected via a standard CAT-5 cable for firmware updates.

The box and some side information.

The device itself. Quite small and dandy. Fanless and sleek.

Back panel connectivity. Offers HDMI, A/V Audio, and Composite.

Accessories to complete the comprehensive product. The HDMI cable is a god-send.

The interface menu, offers customization options.

Some of the resolution support.

And it recognizes FAT/NTFS folder structures.

Overall this is a nice combination to enable multimedia viewing. A good deal for movie aficionados. I had checked out LCD/LEDs side by side, and thought it was worth the premium.

Last but not the least, tomorrows WC final will look so nice.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Purchased a Sapphire HD 6950 1GB from Lynx to upgrade my existing Palit HD4850 512MB.

Damages - 14520 including VAT & shipping :grin:

Benchmark Results (@1920x1080 res):-

3DMark11 - X1531 :))

3DMark Vantage - H9792, P10325 :?:

3DMark06 - 13338 at default settings. Score was more or less same across resolutions. Seems like CPU being the limiting factor.

Heaven 2.5 (DX11)
shaders-high tessellation-normal 16xAF noAA - 49.5 fps (Score-1247)
shaders-high tessellation-normal 16xAF 4xAA - 31.8 fps (Score-802)
shaders-high tessellation-extreme 16xAF noAA - 32.7 fps (Score-824)

Final Fantasy IV - 2840

Alien vs Predator
Very High Settings, 16xAF, noAA - 57.2 fps
Very High Settings, 16xAF, 4xAA - 39.2 fps

Stalker: Call of Pripyat
Ultra Settings, DX11, 4xAA, SSAO Off - 101.6 fps (Day)
Ultra Settings, DX11, 4xAA, SSAO High - 79.4 fps (Day)

Lost Planet (DX11)
Highest Settings - Test A - 44.1 fps /// Test B - 31.4 fps
Nows the pics:-

Resident Evil 5 (DX10)
Highest Settings - no AA - 85.3 fps /// 8xAA - 85.1 fps


The Box. Huge! Memories of GeForce 4MX & even the 4850 come flashing ;)


The Card. The heatsink goes well with the AMD Vision Black Theme. Newer HD6870 also comes the same heatsink. Its not Vapor-X though.


Lion in Sheep's skin. This is basically a 6870 PCB with some modifications like capability of 3-way Crossfire. The official AMD card is longer and comes with the dual Bios switch. Here its all empty.


Couple of pictures fused together to show the 3 heatpipes of the heatsink.


The 1408 shaders core can be seen beneath the heatsink.


The voltage regulators have a heatsink on them. Nice. RAMs are left out though.


The standard AMD connector set 2 DVI, 2 mini-DP and 1 HDMI.


Accessories. Some necessary, like Crossfire bridge, HDMI cable, DP adapter; others useless, like the power connectors, DVI-to-VGA adapter and the paper manual.


That's all the details you need to know.


A screenshot of the sensors reading. The card is pretty cool running with zero noise.


Load scenario with Dirt 2 running at Ultra settings with 8xAA.


There's the baby sitting in my cramped case. You can see there's no space at all for cards longer than this.


View from the top. Its hard to believe I have spent over 1 lakh in 2 years for this PC including upgrades, peripherals etc.


Final picture, of my Palit 4850. Knowingly unknowingly, both my cards are non-standard shorter versions.


Will try to post a review later.
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Human Spambot
@Skud- Congrats buddy, good purchase :), I'd say you try to change the cabby as it doesn't have space left, you have invested that much for those precise products however those products yet to find a nice home for them.


Super Moderator
Staff member
First of all thanks. I know my cabby is a mess. But sometimes its kinda fun working within your limitations. I mean modding your case for an extra fan, doing cable management, optimal airflow, temp management properly etc. etc. With a good case that would be a cakewalk. Money is not an issue also. But here you really have to think hard. And I love that challenge. Now that the card is in place might change the position of the 2nd HDD. Besides these, I am planning to upgrade the core system next year (My organization has a provision for Computer Advance for staffs of 50K @ 6% SI ;)) and use the current one as a HTPC. Lets see what AMD brings with their new CPUs.

@ mailme.manju & amartya87
Thank you very much.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Your cpu will hold you back, trust me, I'm seeing this with crysis 2.

It is holding me back. But not to a unplayable level. Games are crispy smooth. But yes, a quad core would do wonders. Let see if I can get a second hand one from somewhere. Even a Q6600 would be great I think.

One question, do you think OCing at the level of 3.5 GHz or more would help?

Another thing, Crysis 2 is not so kind on dual cores. Check this:- Crysis 2 GPU & CPU Performance Test - Page 8
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