Cyborg Agent
Of course yes, I was able to play most of the new games in Full HD, as of now I have played Farcry 2 and Assassins Creed 2 in FULL HD with everything maxxed out. Battlefield BC2 too ran smoothly in Full HD, but stuttered at times. COD4 & COD6 in Full HD with everything High to max.offtopic, your 9600GT was able to drive games on ur 24" screen ? what all games were you able to play ?
Batman Arkham Asylum in Full HD with med to high settings. Blur with everything maxxed out.
*Maxxed out means, I maxxed out every available setting, donno if there are any hidden auto adjust options depending on Hardware.
BTW I even posted Full HD screenshots of COD6 from my rig ,long back in some thread in TDF. Lets see if I can find it !!
I feel my rig is running better after the PSU upgrade(VX450) or it is just my illusion . But during purchase of this rig, I carefully chose every component so that there are no major bandwidth bottlenecks barring the HDD as usual (Went for Single platter 250 owing to lower seek times), Everything was balanced back then with Sony 17" LCD Monitor (HS75p), with the addition of Dell S2409 I feared I might have to compromise on Games, but so far my rig always surprised me with its capability.
---------- Post added at 05:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:18 PM ----------
Yep got it