Cyborg Agent
Of course yes, I was able to play most of the new games in Full HD, as of now I have played Farcry 2 and Assassins Creed 2 in FULL HD with everything maxxed out. Battlefield BC2 too ran smoothly in Full HD, but stuttered at times. COD4 & COD6 in Full HD with everything High to max.offtopic, your 9600GT was able to drive games on ur 24" screen ? what all games were you able to play ?
Batman Arkham Asylum in Full HD with med to high settings. Blur with everything maxxed out.
*Maxxed out means, I maxxed out every available setting, donno if there are any hidden auto adjust options depending on Hardware.
BTW I even posted Full HD screenshots of COD6 from my rig ,long back in some thread in TDF. Lets see if I can find it !!
I feel my rig is running better after the PSU upgrade(VX450) or it is just my illusion
---------- Post added at 05:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:18 PM ----------
Yep got it
