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In the zone
god bless you dude :)


in other news, bought an Asus Zenfone 5.


Thanks man, and congrats for the new phone. :)

Iam looking for a tablet for my mom too. In that price range ,easy to use and hassle free.
How comfortable is the tablet to use ???

Quite comfortable both physically as well as in the UI. My mom is used to iOS, so MIUI is not a big change. It's easily the best tablet you can get in this price range.


Ordered this just now
Vsonic Gr07 Bass Edition - Buy Online @ Rs.7778/- | Snapdeal

Got this today

image hosting over 10mb

pic upload

photo sharing sites

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Human Spambot
Got this cheapo from Flipkart sometimes today, I don't even remember for whom I ordered this damn thing!



Wise Old Owl
Me too have ordered stuffs online unconsciously to random people.But at that time I was injecting high quality marijuanas all day long :/
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