the retailer/assembler was throwing the processor booklet like trash. So, i removed some of the intel sticker from those booklets and stick them at random places. tv, fridge, car steering, etc. They are bit attention grabber, and nowdays people ask me 'bhaiya Samsung TV Intel ka processor lagati hai?; Me- hmmmmm..'

But i hv AMD cpu.
Dude, its like the Nike shoe made by Adidas.
Or the Maruti 800 that has the Ferrari sticker on it lol[/url]
MY fx6300 is not maruti 800

Its like Tata Safari.. Not very refined engine but has 6 core raw power.
WTF did I just read!!! That system shakes the whole floor of my hostel... How on Earth are you
gonna be able to drive that car with all that Bass!!!
Bro, Recently i saw a JBL GTX 1300T bass tube in frnd's swift which is a 325w RMS subwoofer. His car seats were rattling, rear view mirrors were out of their position and u can easily feel the bass 15ft standing outside the car, but a "Thumpy bass only". That 12" sub was not even near in producing punchy bass, which DA5000 pro can easily produce.
I love music and love to pay attention on how my hardware works, and so, i love the way Da5000 works.
But Unluckly, my room is small and the sub doesnt work well in such small room (11x11ft). There were very low Bass signatures inside the room even at 70% volumes but one can feel it outside my house. strange!!!
Da5000 works dammn dammn great inside my trunks when powered by UPS or inverter cause it produce even the lowest frequcny very well and one will feel awesomely great HHHHMMmmmmmm... buummmm... dhummmm wala bass inside the car. may be because of small space and lack of sound absorbing stuff inside the carr.
in my veiw, even a small good subwoofer will work great insde the trunk because of small space.

I love to do Experiments ^_^
he wants to shake whole traffic with it....
Belive me. DA5 doesnt make the car shake, but it will work like u have never listened before. may be because of small space inside the car, and it doesnt dissort most of the time.
That's called a lowrider. And I don't think he'll modify his car to that extent as in India, the
lowrider chassis will get damaged pretty soon.
Vehicle modification is similar to overclocking of it which is much costly and u cant even revert it most of the time and that is not my cup of tea. Stock vehicles are good.

but a HID lights and LED touch-up doesnt affect vehicle's perfomance.
I wish someday i post review about 'Camaro ZL1 or Ducati 1198sp <3' in this "Post your latest Purchase'