@Sunny :What is your opinion/review about iPhone?
Here is it,
Interface and UI-Awesome,best IMO.
Audio-Not too bad but not a treat either(Without earphones).Quite remarkable with earphones though.
Internet experience-Again awesome,Safari looks cool works well.Mail,youtube,Maps,weather,stocks all are very pleasing.
3G not yet here in India,so can't comment.EDGE works very well though.And yeah,mobile me!
As an iPod-If you are a music lover,then it's for you.Coverflow makes it very easy and fun to navigate through your albums and videos on 3.5" widescreen are as good as anything.Plus you can always download stuff from the iTunes store.i don't have a iTunes account.Will have one very soon.
Battery Life-Long lasting for a phone of its kind with WiFi,games,iPod and stuff running.
Camera-2MP.Some of you would not agree but iPhone takes good quality pics even with this cam.No video recording but it can be added with just an App install.No zoom,no flash,DRAWBACKS!
As a phone-Similar to other mobile phones but lacks features like SMS forwarding and video call.
Build Quality-Screen is robust.Scratch resistant and glossy.But the plastic back and the chrome Apple logo are scratch magnets.I already got them both scratched

but who cares!i got the white one so scratches and fingerprints are almost invisible.Got a plastic case for the back though.
Final word,if you got the bux,go buy it.

Anti-Apple Organisation of the Digit Forum ,don't start the age old iPhone
murdabaad here please.