Post It Software - How is it?

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Ambassador of Buzz
Hi Guyz

Has anyone used this Post It Software ..


Is it good ..
better Alternative is there

Plz. advise


The software must be good. I had used something like similar earlier cannot remember the name , but I got bored of it so it was trashed.

The reason why I say that it must be good is because 3M was the original creator of the Post It notes , so now they have gone digital too.

The Incredible said:
wat does this software do?

This software is used to put notes on the desktop. For quick reference of things to do etc . Its quite like the Notes feature provided in MS Outlook.

If you still want to compare it try remembering the YELLOW chits of paper we stick on pages with a small note.


I have used it and found it quite useful... Dont use it these days that much though... If you are used to making post-its, this will be helpful...


The Incredible

Ambassador of Buzz
it might b offtopic.

but if u usually make notes while online or while surfing then u can use opera. u just hav 2 select d desired text n right click n copy to notes.
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