Please suggest me a nice book to read!

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There maybe many people in this forum who read books a lot! So can anyone of you suggest a nice book to read? I know its really vague thing to ask. But books that are kind of self motivational or inspirational. I heard the book "The Monk who sold his Ferrari" is a good book. I found the book " Who moved my Cheese" also good. Maybe books on similiar line would be good!


die blizzard die! D3?
please suggest me nice movies
please suggest me a gift
please suggest me a nice book to read.


please suggest me good underwear brand
please suggest me a good lux variant to use
please suggest which of my 'please' thread was the best.


Hey Devil! Looks like you are upset with the post or my previous posts! If its kind of irritated you or is against the forum rules then I'm Sorry!


Pawned!... Beyond GODLIKE
abe devil reportin ur post for tearin a new forum member!:razz:

light lo be just jokin

waise yeah there threads r really gettin bogus.

and mr ajay i think a thread related to this topic is present. u should before postin


Deadman Walking
The_Devil_Himself said:
please suggest me nice movies
please suggest me a gift
please suggest me a nice book to read.


please suggest me good underwear brand
please suggest me a good lux variant to use
please suggest which of my 'please' thread was the best.

this is not fare, any how what are you doing , r u a student ?
The_Devil_Himself said:
please suggest me nice movies
please suggest me a gift
please suggest me a nice book to read.


please suggest me good underwear brand
please suggest me a good lux variant to use
please suggest which of my 'please' thread was the best.

Some people don't answer to what has been asked but they do come up with stupid stuff's like the one above...

i would suggest following novels :-

1) Catcher in the Rye
2) The Godfather
3) The partner


In the zone
Five Point Someone
Everything You Desire
The Fountainhead (excellent...mindblowing classic)
The women who ran with the wolf


A LOTR fan
the rainmaker :) . . i love that book a lot :) :) :). . infact i love most johns books . i used to read all once up on a time . i have not touched books for almost 3 years :-(. can some one tell me books like "rainmaker ". . some thing with law or any good detective will do . i have read all agatha and sherlock ones . when i was in college , so any others are welcome :)


Deadman Walking
MetalheadGautham said:
Angels and Demons
The Da Vinci Code
Deception Point
Digital Fortress

how to make posts like MetalheadGautham

i agree with you ,

also try to collect sydney sheldon novels


If you like detective type.. then you can try Sherlock Holmes too..
I also liked Alan and Barbara Peas's "Why men lie and Women Cry" and "Body Language"


Hey Thanks for all your responses! What about selft motivational or inspirational book? Have anyone of you read You can Win by Shiv Khera? Please let me know if anyone of you have read any of the self motivational stuff!


MMO Addict
Nope.. I really do not feel motivated by those motivational stuffs.. But IF you really need some motivation watch this video:


Pawned!... Beyond GODLIKE
wel i wud just suggest HARRY POTTER 1-7 asi hav read only those!!
n yeah if u want to rack ur brain in bit of science mistery then u can also read a "Breif history of time". i read it n it wonderful book


If you want to read Hindi book, Go read Chandrakanta and its continuing titles.
They are ordered like Chandrakanta > Chandrakanta Santati > Bhootnath> Rohtaasmatth. Be warned however that the books can be sticky, if you start reading them, you might not be able stop reading. Moreover the Chandrakanta Santati comprises 6 books and Bhootnath comprises 7 books. Moreover Bhootnath and Rohtaasmatth are rather hard to procure.

If you want English things, read The Hobbit> Lord Of The Rings> The Silmarillion


In the zone
ajayritik said:
Hey Thanks for all your responses! What about selft motivational or inspirational book? Have anyone of you read You can Win by Shiv Khera? Please let me know if anyone of you have read any of the self motivational stuff!

ya i have read it... very good.. worth reading and worth purchasing :D

there is one small poem in tht book - Don't Quit... it is too good.. i have made a tune for it to sing along... :)
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