Heh, heh! Good one!
gx_saurav said:
U can install it yourself after u buy.
It would be quite stupid to pay for the notebook and then install a pirated copy of the operating system.
gx_saurav said:
iMav said:
but hey arya before u come back with ur sister's complains that vista is too slow tell her to update it and remove the crap ware especially that fugging norton and use avast or avira
I know the PC industry sucks. Steve Jobs was right when he said that, "There’s some stuff in our industry that we wouldn’t be proud to ship. And we just can’t do it. We can’t ship junk. There are thresholds we can’t cross because of who we are."
I know she is buying junk and I am definitely not going to come back and complain about it.
Gigacore said:
So..... we cant run those apps (AutoCAD 2008 and 3DsMAX) in MAC
Yeah, Windows applications don't directly run on Mac OS X. Try running iPhoto or Final Cut Pro or Delicious Library on Windows.
Gigacore said:
I dont know why developers wont write any such programs for MAC
There is more CAD software written for the Mac than there is for Windows. And they don't suck, for a change. We can run AutoCAD on Mac OS X too, using CrossOver.
Stop with your nonsense, already. One fool stops, another one steps up to the plate to replace him.
Thanks, however, to all of you for the contribution to the thread! I hope a flame war does not start over this now. If some moderator wishes to take out that key now, I don't have a problem with it.