This is quite lame, there will always be comparisons between PC and consoles..but why do we need to criticize the other..As
Sarath rightly said "The complete Gaming experience is achieved by getting both, a console and a PC"
I have played on PS3, X360 and I own a Gaming PC...Playing on a console is more relaxing and enriching. It is due to the fact, as mentioned several times already, that consoles have a sole purpose..GAMING..they have been made to give the gamer a perfect atmosphere and an enriching experience..
Graphics is not an appropriate factor for comparison..Even if a game looks mediocre, it can still be the best if it has awesome gameplay, story and characters..Most of those legendary and epic games we have played over the years had mediocre to lame graphics..but we don't remember them for just their visuals(wrt the time they were released in) but for the overall experience..
Playing Gods of War 3 on a PS3 is just pure bliss..I never had so much fun playing on PC..
Exclusives are one main reason that there is this so-called war between consoles and PC.
but take any game which is available on both the platforms and u will be much more relaxed playing on a console..I cannot sit, continuously, in front of my PC for more than 10 hours playing a game..I did that on a PS3, even came close playing Gears of War 3 on xbox(but it isn't the same)
@Cyborg47..u think ME2 and ME3 are childish? in what context?
Gameplay of ME2 and ME3 is far better than ME1..story of ME3 is better than ME2 and ME1..NPCs and other characters feel more alive in ME3..ME1 had a good story but it is the redundant gameplay that stops me from playing that game again..the graphics don't matter much but ME3 looks way better than ME2 and ME1..
You believe that a temporary, crappy, ending can spoil an entire game? ME3 has to be one of my favorite gaming experiences on PC..and an incomplete ending cannot spoil all the awesome moments I had while playing this game..And I will add that the game isn't over it is quite evident throughout the course of this game that something isn't right..which I won't indulge in, in this thread..
You call Single player games scripted and kiddie..Halo, Far Cry, Assassins Creed series, The Witcher, ME, Fallout and countless more..these are kiddish right? I'll be damned..
a high-end PC with the right accessories can be a beast, it will give u enormous fps, a great visual effect and with the right chair and other comforting objects and u will have what console owners already do,lacking the graphics hardware...But tbh Graphics just enhance the overall feel of the game..they don't impact the gameplay..if a game sucks to the core..having Frostbite 2/CryEngine3 won't make up for it..
PCs need constant hardware upgrades to be able to play all the games at the best possible settings...
and if u say, just dial the settings down a notch, then isn't that what we are already getting in a Console..better gaming experience with a stripped down visual?
Agreed, that the price of console game is very high..but, let's say, in a span of 5 years..the total money spent on a gaming PC incl games is a lot higher than that spent on a console + TV + Games...Long term investment, you may say..
To conclude, one is incomplete without the other if hoping for a complete gaming experience...
I thought I asked your age
Well this ain't of my concern, but a lot of 15 year old are smarter than 20 something people.. Intelligence and awareness isn't confined to one's age..
TDF is a proof of that..young teenagers know more about tech stuff than older and working professionals..