Thats just an excuse for saying that manuals r too hard to read! If that was the case, then we might be having kids as system admins, network admins etc! Its the similar case that old people lose their brains at the age of 60-70 and go nuts. But why r they made company,countries leaders then?aberforth said:Fact is kids are more receptive than elders, the more you grow up from the age 21 the lower your receptin power goes thats a fact you'll realise once you go ahead in years.
U talked about complexity and pain. I wanted to refer to that. Why r u deviating the subject? On the other hand u r also criticing linux and favouring windows but then again ur hiding something i.e criticism,disadvantages of windows which I explained before! How can an OS be used relaibly and freely when u have to spend ur time more on reformats,reinstalls,maintainence work,all sorts of scannings, defragmentation?aberforth said:Second company sources aren't 100% truth, usually the criticism is hidden. Just like if you want to know Linux vs Windows, it'd be a bad idea to go one track to check MS site.
"Most new"? What about the rest of the people who bought original XP without SP2? U r just again making an excuse!aberforth said:Most new OEM PCs and Windows XP CDs have SP2 integrated so all you need to do is use it our of the box. To use Linux flawlessly we need MP3 codecs, DVD codecs, modified XINE engine.
Well to make a full stop on ur codecs issue then, try distros like diabolic linux, linux mint etc which all have codec etc preinstalled. And if that still doesnt gives u pleasure, then go ahead get the propreitary linux distros that will give u ALL but at a price.
May be thats why they r used in servers so much?aberforth said:From the security patches and update front Linux isn't immune to it.
Well if u made up ur mind to hate linux even when I showed u how easy it actually is then what can I say?aberforth said:Installing and updating softwares is quite a pain and there is no running away from it.
Why do u mix things? Do I say like to use windows home edition as a major server? U talked about servers having scaled down linux. Eating up RAM, CPU etc is a totally different matter. servers can be home servers, small company servers or major international servers. They can have 128 MB RAM/600MHz or 2 GB RAM/duo core 2.8 GHz. Multimedia Applications can be installed and used if latter server is used for home and small company! It seems ur experience isn't so well with servers afterall!aberforth said:I don't know why someone has to tell me that as I have been running a VPS server using RHEL for 2 years. Thats a fact, a server is a command line, scaled down version of Linux. You can install GUI, VLC Player etc - but they wouldn't do any good except eating up your RAM, CPU and diskspace while you need them all in a laptop, you couldn't watch DVDs using Apache and MySQL.
Now look whose giving the info from "company's own sources" and hiding the criticism!aberforth said:Chances are, you learned computers from Windows and then moved on to Linux. Windows can't offer the same utility to a satellite because of course vulnerabilities and stability issues. By the way the London Stock Exchange one of the world largest and busiest runs on Windows Server 2003 and IIS 6.0, check that out in a 'third party' Microsoft site.
Thats not my comment here!aberforth said:Excuse me, I lack experience with Linux? Does handling 5 websites on Apache server using Linux for two years count as inexperience? Is that how you debate, by making a sort of "You are ignorant so listen to what I say" comment?
Neways, 2 yrs of experience on servers...and u still say absurd things about linux? As I said, u must be lacking quality experience then. U say u have experience in "servers" and still u talk about crypted messeges, talk about SP2 prefitted like spare parts etc? How contradictig to the experience of a server manager!
U r again mixing the topics! Ease of installation is different then availability of drivers! Neways I too had a hard time when I installed the hardware drivers of my bro's latest PC. It gave all kinds of BSODs. The problem fixed only after a month or so when updates were available! Since u manage the servers u shud be knowing such things about latest drivers! And about firefox I dunno why u didn't have the rpm, coz most members here had that!aberforth said:RPMs aren't available for all softwares I need. For example, the latest version of Firefox, the latest ALSA drivers (without which my laptop sound doesnt work). Plus a lot of 5 MB or less RPMS need a hell of of dependencies to install which you have to search an hour to find them.
No exaggeration from my side. Since u explained ur problems, I have given them too! There r many here in this forum that have experience the same miserable fate as mine!aberforth said:Thats exaggeration. If you run Windows XP SP2 chances of BSODs are so little you'd probably die before 1000 of them occured. At least a software install doesn't break my Windows that I have to reinstall it all over again.
I dunno how kids and many noobies here in OPENSOURCE with age ranging bet 14-18 or less found it easier than u! R u saying u lost ur "receptiveness"?aberforth said:Lets see...8 reinstalls of OpenSUSE (forget about 15 of FC5), 15 timeouts trying to add a repository in Yast last time, an hour adding a list (OSS Repo), another hour downloading the codec and libdvdcss to enable it to play DVD and Mp3 (bare essential), another 3 hours to update openSUSE, recompiling and installing ALSA to get my sound working, not being able to play the games I want..... OpenSUSE is great after it all got working but I had to waste a week to reach that stage. If I were a first time Linux users, I'd have hated it for some of my Windows friends do.
Nope, I meant to freely work for next 5-10 yrs after it gets installed and configured. ATleast its way better than getting tied up to ur pc to make it work flawlessly AFTER u have installed it!aberforth said:You mean tied up to your PC for a week to get it to work and do basic stuff is freedom?
Nope I don't call anyone like that. I agree windows is easy, but for me TODAY linux is easier.aberforth said:I am a Linux user too, I have OpenSUSE running but fact is fact. You can't go calling every Windows user nooby or MS 'fanboy' and expect them to hit forma t C:.
As I stated plethora of times before, ease of use is also governed by how much u have to maintain ur OS, scan ur OS, defrag ur OS..etc. If ur talking of the end-users task, then obviously for me and for many people in this forum and out of this forum linux is far more easier than windows today! And if u participate actively in open source section, then u'll urself witness how many "non-geeks" term it as awesome and easy to use today.aberforth said:Linux is still way to go to invade everyone's desktop, not just because of marketing of MS but the ease of using Windows in a desktop or laptop for a non-geek.
On contrary, U know what.....I was the first one in mah locality to use linux and now almost 60% of my friends from both IT and non-IT field have it on their desktop. So I have tried it on my friends who aren't from a CS, Engg. or software background. May be u didn't demonstrated linux nicely to ur friends.aberforth said:I have seen the other side promoting Linux to my friends and trying a full switch on my laptop, both didn't work. I still have Windows MCE and OpenSUSE side by side and my friends removed this a"waste of 10 GB" from their HDD. Try out with your friends who aren't from a CS, Engg. or software background.
Well as stated earlier its human nature to resist changes. But to make him use a different product the salesman has to demonstrate him a different product nicely to him. He gotta have experience to show others and make them use the product. U said u have 2 yrs of experience, but even a person with 1 yr of experience can show others the functionalities and potentials of linux and make them believe in it. Ur case is a little different.
I dunno why, but any noobie person, geek or non-geek who initiates a linux discussion with me face to face starts using linux after sometime!!
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