Permanently Disable some Start-up apps.

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Yahoo messn., IDM, ctfmon

Please help me in permanently disabling some start up entries, like Yahoo messn., IDM, ctfmon.

i rarely use Yahoo messngr.,so i always disable it in msconfig.
but my bro. uses it daily, & sometimes in my user Account, then it automatically gets into start-up.

same is with Internet Download Manager (IDM). i usually use Opera's inbuilt d/l manager. sometimes when d/ling from rapidshare, i use IDM, then it also gets into start-up.

same is with ctfmon.

i disable all these three from start-up, but when i restart the system (after using these apps.) they load with KIS & ZA.

so is there a way other than msconfig way.

my PC Config-
HP Pavilion desktop, XP Home SP2, Kaspersky Internet Security 6, Zone Alarm Pro.

& about IDM, i've disabled it as Opera's add on d/l manager, but still whenevr i try d/l something IDM pops up. its really annoying, coz i d/l small files 1-10MB(game mods) & want to use Opera for it.

Vishal Gupta

Microsoft MVP
1.) Open Yahoo! Messenger and under its Settings diable the option "Start Automatically with windows" (or something like that) option.

2.) In IDM settings disable the option "Launch IDM at startup".

3.) To compeletly remove "ctfmon.exe", open "Add/Remove Programs" and select "Office" entry and then click on Change button. and then select Add/Remove Features option. Then check the option Choose advanced customization of applications. after that disable Alternative User Input under Office Shared Features. Thats it. Now u can safely delete the file in "System32" folder and also disable it from msconfig. ;)


:D disabling thru apps. itself, did not come into mind.:D:D
Thank you.

any help on the stopping IDM from popping up, when its not needed:confused:

i've already unchecked "Opera" under-> "Integrate IDM into Browsers" (under options)

Vishal Gupta

Microsoft MVP
Buddy! this file is automatically installed with MS Office, actually its used in Speech recognition system. :)
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