Peculiar Desktop Hardware problem...(won't boot)


Evolving Rapidly...
Hi friends,

I have a 4 1/2 year old config which I myself had assembled. It is as follows:
MOBO: EVGA nforce 750i sli ftw
PROCCY: Intel Q9450 2.67GHz
GPU: EVGA geforce 9800GT 1GB DDR3
RAM: Corsair XMS2 DDR2 @ 800MHz (Stock) 2x2GB
PSU: Corsair TX750
Cabinet: Cooler Master Stacker 830 Nvidia Edition

I haven't used it too much in the last 2 years or so. The GPU has failed twice previously and has been replaced.

When the latest problem started, it was like this: Once the PSU was given supply, mobo leds would turn on. But on pressing the power button, the PC would boot, give very odd beeps and shut down within 3 seconds.

I checked all connections. No issues I could catch. Then I got my PSU RMA'ed thinking it had failed. (I also noticed a slight burning smell, once or twice after each power up to crash sequence) Currently have a brand new PSU in place. Still same problem, no smell though.

Then I thought maybe the front panel power switch in the Cabinet malfunctioned. I removed all front panel connections. Pressed reset BIOS on mobo. And started the PC with a GREEN thumb button on the MOBO. It starts without beeps, and displays 'FF' (boot) on the MOBO. But still no display, and no boot sequence. I even checked my monitor by connecting to my laptop, it works fine.

Finally, I thought the GPU failed again. I have checked the GPU in my friend's PC and it works fine.
I have tried with a single stick of ram in different slots. Still no luck, ie No Display, No Boot Sequence (no beeps).
Note: All Fans spin: ie Mobo fan, Processor fan, GPU fan, back panel fan. And I have detached all SATA devices.

Is my MOBO/PROCCY fried or something?? Please help.
All help is appreciated. Thanks for reading.
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Staff member
remove the mobo from cabinet - put it on a table - remove and remount the cpu ( and cpu HSF ) properly - press the bios chip on the mobo firmly - borrow a working stck of ram from friend and try to start the pc with only KB, GPU and monitor connected.
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