PCI graphic Card

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Cyborg Agent
I made a mistake few months back and baught a computer without AGP slot. Now i am unable to play most of the latest games who need Graphic card for sure !

current rig is
P4 2.6
512 RAM
845GVSR Board
samsung DVD writer
LG CD writer
Netgear Wireless WG11b/g card
and few other non-standard things
The missing corner is Graphic card.
I am not gonna buy new computer for a while and also not going to change this one's board.

I looked through net and found
*www.visiontek.com/9200.html !

This card is 256 MB graphic with pixel and vertex shader.. suitable to run most of the latest game (almost all the game)
The catch is that its a PCI card !!!!!

So guys .. this thing really works ?
I dont' think its PCI express card .. its real PCI card . If anyone has any experience in this concern then I will try to find this at our place.
PS: its a hope to open new path for my PC , if this thing works then I will be happy to add more and more power to my PC as without Graphic card.. all power is useless.


Aspiring Novelist
First off Visiontek isn't an Indian company and the only ATI distributor out here is Powercolor which AFAIK has limited ATI cards.Finding a PCI card is right now is very rare.I suppose there was an FX5200 PCI variant as well.Just try and contact XFX if they or some other Nvidia distributors still retail that card.
Coming to their performance,please dont expect these cards to perform even as half as good as AGP counterparts.They are hopelessly low on bandwidth which makes them a victim for low frame rates on the newer games.In short,most of the recent games wont be pulled off decently(forget decently too)by the PCI cards.:(


Ambassador of Buzz
drvarunmehta said:
Then use Everest or Sandra to find what kind of slots your mobo has.
I have posted some screen shots in the thread called What is PIXEL SHADDER?? .Please see that and guide me.



I am giving the screenshots of Everest.Please see and guide me what is the Motherboard make and type i.e whether 845G,845GV or any other,which graphics card will it support.Please see all the 3 links.

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Broken In
While on the topic of Graphics cards, guys i need help! What is a GOOD card in the price range of about Rs.6000??? i already have a ge force XFX 5200 with 256mb memory.


Cyborg Agent
its better to have something than nothing.
I don't play much games but sometimes having a favourite game denied by computer even before starting, you feel bad. So I will be happy if I can get playable game on current.

So I think going for PCI graphic card will be useful . Lets see b'cz changing mobo will need change of processor, RAM, board itself !!! 10-20K needed.. so better to spend 2-3k to make things comfortable.

Now guys.. suggest me placeswhere I can possibly find it !


my friends problem was same as urs , wat he did he purchased intel original 865 motherboard with 8X AGP slot and then purchased a grafix card and now he is able to play all games at higher resolutions, this is the cheapest method to play all the games, the only thing u will be changing is ur motherboard, 865 motherboards r very cheap , u can even exchang ur 845 motherboard to save few bucks


Cyborg Agent
Ofcourse AGP cards are better = Accelerated Graphic Port. (AGP is something which will soon extinct)
But now PCI-express card are more better as they have more bandwidth for graphic processing.
Dont confuse PCI-e with PCI only, PCI cards are something different and older.


for graphics card, go to here
select the filters u want & hav a look at the graphic cards u might be interested to buy.
And please stop discussing about graphics card in the gamerz section.


Cyborg Agent
I rather suggest you to see "nehruitplace.com" !
But best practice is to go and visit yourself atleast 3-4 vendors in differnet part of your city (ofcourse all from well known computer market) and you wil really get some good ideas.


boss my frnd also had the same problem, only remedy is tat u change ur mo'bd or else u go in for cards like Geforce n ATI for the PCI slots, they r generally 2 to 2k costlier than their AGP versions..
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