Living to Play
What happened [MENTION=73844]gameranand[/MENTION]?
SMPS fckep up. Now no gaming until RMA process is complete. Still hunting deals though, with friend's Laptop.
Bought several titles.
What happened [MENTION=73844]gameranand[/MENTION]?
Yes you can use the DVD. But for CS:Go unfortunately, the additional download from Steam is lot more (in GBs) after installing from DVD. My friends have said before that the DVD is practically useless. You can give it a try though.Finally bought CS:GO for $7.25. Couldn't wait more. I want to ask one thing. I have a friend's CS:GO DVD. Can I install using that and download just the updates rather than the whole game?
Ahh thank God it was the SMPS. What all did you buy?SMPS fckep up. Now no gaming until RMA process is complete. Still hunting deals though, with friend's Laptop.
Bought several titles.![]()
Ahh thank God it was the SMPS. What all did you buy?CS Complete Pack had price error last night for few minutes ($5), couldn't make a successful purchase.
anyway it was just for trades, have CS complete already.
Several Games and Bundles
1. Injustice Gods Among Us (Nuuvem)
2. Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition (Was gifted by [MENTION=22661]ManiDhillon[/MENTION])
3. Devil May Cry 4 (GMG)
4. Resident Evil 6 (GMG)
5. Resident Evil Revelations (GMG)
6. Humble Bundle Weekly ($1 pack of 4 games)
7. Indie Gala Monday (By Mistake)
8. Indie Gala Friday (Indiegala)
9. Super Meat Boy (Steam)
10. Metal Gear Revengence (Nuuvem)
12. Bioshock Infinite Season Pass (Game Agent)
13. Saints Row 4 Century Edition Upgrade pack (Humble Store)
I actually wanted to buy just the Friday bundle at Indie Gala because I was getting 12 games for $1 and some were good platformers. But I was on Monday Tab by default and bought that and only after purchase I realized that I have bought the wrong bundle. After that I bought the right one.
Basically my library size was 330/334 before the sales begin and now the size is 364/368.![]()
Wow! thats a lot of purchases. Congrats!
Great man!!!![]()
You can activate games with VPN. I recently purchased murdered soul suspect from russian storeAnd this is the condition when I thought that I won't purchase anything because of Steam Trading policy.And I did kept up my word, only purchase 1 game from Steam, all others from external sites with more than 80% discount. I basically purchased when I knew that this price and Key price difference is less than 100INR. Greedy me.
CS: Global Offensive for $1.98 (Newegg)
[NewEgg] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive ($0.99) (EXPLOIT)
Update: Out of Stock
Hey guys, How can i buy Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate and Fallout 3 GOTY on Steam?
Gifts from US,UK,Euro1 &2 are not region locked, if you buy from other region you need to activate using vpnBut wont they be region locked?
I can't help you with that. I myself got the games via a friend in the USA. Technically it should work with a US VPN proxy. Though I deem that risky with a potential ban and hence resort to the proper route. You can also buy the two games from websites like greenmangaming or gamersgate etc. Those keys will activate on steam and you won't require a proxy for them.Thanks for the reply. Can i buy the games through Hola using US proxy? or is there any other way i can buy these games myself? Sale is about to end. (I have a Indian steam account)