Human Spambot
This weekend there will be huge deals.
Why what does the image says [Cant see here]
This weekend there will be huge deals.
10 titles are being offered free for weekend
Blade Symphony
Dont Starve
Grid 2
Killing Floor
Payday 2
Trine 2
XCOM Enemy Unknown
^ i will wait for the whole day to get it
BTW who is organizing the giveaway
It is free to play on this weekend. After this weekend you will not be able to play it anymore.
SteamBTW who is organizing the giveaway
Today is Day....It's not free yet
Today is Day....
When it gonna free?
10 titles are being offered free for weekend
Blade Symphony
Dont Starve
Grid 2
Killing Floor
Payday 2
Trine 2
XCOM Enemy Unknown
Don't hold your sleep. Pick it up easily tomorrow^^ Damn I have to wait till then......
Thanks BTW
The games which I listed will also have huge discounts as well apart from being free to play for weekend. Almost all of them are really good games.