You must have meant 7770 right? Coz 7750 falls in the league of 6770 and performs close to it, nowhere near 6850. Even the 7770 doesn't perform much better than 6850.
Component Make Price
CPU AMD Phenom II 960T 6960
Motherboard ASUS M5A88-M 5120
RAM G.Skill RipjawsX 4GB DDR3 1530
GPU MSI Radeon HD6850 8850
Optical Drive Asus DRW-24B3ST 1135
HDD WD Caviar Blue 500 GB 4270
PSU SeaSonic S12 II 520 3770
Total 31635
Component | Make | Price
Processor|AMD Phenom X6 1075T|Rs.7420
Motherboard|ASUS M5A97|Rs.6245
Graphics|ATI Radeon HD 6770|Rs.6678
RAM|G.Skill RipjawsX 4 GB|Rs.1662
PSU|Corsair CMPSU-600|Rs.4235
Optical Drive|Asus DRW-24B3ST |Rs.1135
HDD|WD Caviar Blue 250 GB |Rs.3753
Note-600W PSU is for future upgrades
Okay then im going with this config
If my budget allows i might go for a HD 6850
originally posted by d6bmg
Besides power consumption of 7770 is higher than 6850.
So what would you suggest between a 6770 or 7750 ?
As i don't think ill be buying the HD 6850
Before ordering these components my brother gave me another Config tell me if it give me greater performance than my AMD RiG
Component | Make | Price
Processor|Intel Core i5-2500k|Rs. 12879
Motherboard|Gigabyte GA-H61M-D2H|Rs. 3180
GFX|ATI Radeon HD 7750|Rs. 7791
HDD|Seagate Momentus 250 GB |Rs. 3591
Optical Drive|LG GH24NS71|Rs. 972
RAM|G.Skill RipjawsX 4 GB|Rs. 1662
PSU|Corsair CMPSU-600|Rs. 4325
| Total | Rs. 34310