Pc Config; Comment

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Broken In
okay listen up

I am one time buyer and i wont go to the market buying stuff everytime something new is released or is going to be released. Remember we are talkin g about technology. If i keep waiting for something new then ill end up never buying anything.

The cards that come out in april will be DX 10.1 and without doubt will be better than the 8 series but ill be in 10th by then and my dad will never buy me anything like that in my board year. Its now or never

My dad doesnt give a damn about the money so why should I? I am getting this PC just coz my dad is techno savvy. He bought a 16GB touch,80GB iPod, 46 inch LCD, 12 MP HD camera without giving a damn about the money, he just bought it. Im telling u he is totally nuts over techno

PS I just found out one guy overclocked QX9650 to 6.0 Ghz


die blizzard die! D3?
^^one guy clocked his p4 prescott to freaking 7ghz and I saw the video,no kidding.

And yea If you got money to burn then surely make use of it,no problems.Just don't give a damn.

I still maintain a 9800gtx is worth waiting though.


Ambassador of Buzz

missed that post of Ambar. So he was taking the top spot untill Bloodreaper came out with his config.

Long live the competition. Long live NVIDIA and ATI.


NP : Crysis
hey bloodreaper, with the sort of money u have to burn..have u considered a alienware or falcon??


Broken In
Dude i saw the config for Alienware PC's
Man they are absolutely ripping ur pocket.....they giving u **** configs (that too their minimum configs) for something like $5000

I can assemble a way better PC for $5k trust me. everyone here can.
Dell is using the brand to charge more for something that should cost 3k dollars

PS everyone here knows the joy of assembling ur own PC's
for god sake we are comp geeks...we dont buy branded PC's they are for
people who just want a computer


Rising ApocalypsE
Everything is fine apart from the following:

1. 8800 GTX - Go for new 8800 GTS(G92) 512MB - performs better than 8800 GTX. *www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3514991&CatId=1826

2. RAM - Why going for 800 MHZ DDR2 - My suggestion is to go for DDR3 but the motherboard that u have shortlisted sports DDR2 but anyways try these one.

3. HDD - Buy one of the above and a 150 GB WD Raptor to install ur operating system and games for best performance and 500 GB for storage!

Have fun hunting monsters!!!!!!!!!!!!


Google Bot
BloodReaper said:
okay listen up

I am one time buyer and i wont go to the market buying stuff everytime something new is released or is going to be released. Remember we are talkin g about technology. If i keep waiting for something new then ill end up never buying anything.

The cards that come out in april will be DX 10.1 and without doubt will be better than the 8 series but ill be in 10th by then and my dad will never buy me anything like that in my board year. Its now or never

My dad doesnt give a damn about the money so why should I? I am getting this PC just coz my dad is techno savvy. He bought a 16GB touch,80GB iPod, 46 inch LCD, 12 MP HD camera without giving a damn about the money, he just bought it. Im telling u he is totally nuts over techno

PS I just found out one guy overclocked QX9650 to 6.0 Ghz
Supposing u r in 9th right now, Man u r so god damn lucky.. I didnt get a Pc till my mid 12th.. ur dad must be real tech savvy. hats off to him. :)
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