partiton table damaged during crash? How to recover


Cyborg Agent
I've got a HP Laptop with 500gb Hdd. Yesterday a BSOD occured while formatting a memory card.

After bsod my laptop was unable to boot. It said no bootable media found.

I tried startup repair using win7 dvd which was unable to fix... Followed by fixmbr and other things. Googling told me that my hdd was dying. I tried hdd regenerator (usb boot) but no bad sectors were found.

I had two partitions which were not being read by diskpart. I proceeded with win7 installation. Installed win7 on 39gb of free space that was shown. Left the rest unallocated space as it is. Now easeus disk recovery says that all my data - windows partition and another partition are completely safe. But i cannot recover it as i dont have another hdd.

Is there any was so that windows starts reading all that data without moving it to another disk?

Sorry for my noob language


If you have a desktop computer then you can open your laptop and remove the laptop hdd from it and connect it to your destop computer [regular SATA port] as a secondary hdd.

You can copy files and transfer them to your desktop computer's hdd.


Staff member
After you back up your data, run following commands from diskpart-
> list disk
> select disk #no of your hdd
> clean
> format fs=ntfs
> assign
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