[Complaint] Palit refusing to honour warranty for GTS 250


Broken In
Good day to all.

My GPU Palit GTS250 is 1.5yrs old.last month my PC was not booting up.After lot of troubleshooting, i found that the GPU was the culprit.There seems to be a burn mark in one of its components (See attached pic)

Palit distributor in Chennai Tirupathi enterprises is not accepting my card as they have instruction from Palit to avoid honoring warranties for any burnt cards.
I have sent a mail to their support and tirupathi. Palit support has responded saying that they cannot do anything,Tirupathi has to see the GPU and decide.
Tirupathi has responded saying that they got instructions from PALIT not to accept cards with burn marks.
After that no response from both of them even after my 2 reminders.
I am quite clueless on how to proceed further.

My PC configuration
AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000+ 3-4yrs old
Kingston DDR2 2GB RAM 3yrs old
Biostar GF8100 TE 1.5yrs old
CORSAIR CX400 1.5yrs old
Spike protector

I am not sure what else i can buy to protect my components.

I bought this GPU after posting a thread here.
So as per our experts advise here,I went for a separate quality SMPS
i.e CORSAIR CX400.

I bought a new motherboard + spacious cabin for more air circulation.

Despite everything it failed.

Before that i was using Palit FX5700LE (5 years old) with a Zebronics cabinet and zebronics SMPS..Card is still going great in my nephew's PC.

Please do help me.


Adam young
According to my knowledge burnt parts are not considered under warranty but still it depends on the dealer.
Btw r you using any ups?


Broken In
Thanks for replying.
I am using UPS and also spike protector.
I guess warranty is only for unexepected things like this.
I have not done any overclocking nor did not use it for extensively for it to get fried.
Can anyone suggest what might have caused the burn in the GPU?


Super Moderator
Staff member
How did it get burnt?

@sukesh: OP has an APC UPS. read main post.


Adam young
Here i have seen many dealers telling that they won't give warranty for burnt products.but as i said before it completely left to the dealer only.
And the warranty is for such things only,i also wonder why don't they give warranty for burnt one bcoz it could have burnt due to any malfunction in chip or so but who is going to put these things in there cocnut shells.
Btw thanks skud for pointing out.


Gaming Unlimited
This is completely disgrace, as warranty still holds, you might file a complain at consumer court, since this might be a manufacturing defect or use of defective parts in GPU.

You should force them to investigate the cause of Burnt chip and ask them a full report. In this way , you can get solid proof - whether to file a complaint or not.


Adam young
^^I Agree.
You should ask the dealer to check the reason for burnt part.if nothing works go to him along with a big guy or your father and threaten him.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Now I understand why people always advice to stay away from brands like Palit.

Palit distributor in Chennai Tirupathi enterprises is not accepting my card as they have instruction from Palit to avoid honoring warranties for any burnt cards.

This immediately raises suspicion.


Broken In
Thanks a lot for replying guys.
Actually dealer seems to be pretty helpful he is saying his hands are tied as they have instructions not to collect burnt cards.
I have sent an mail to Palit support again and they said they will get back to me with a positive response.so keeping my fingers crossed.

When i was about to purchase either HD4850 or GTS250,Dealer recommended to go for Palit as they have the best A.S.S but i am not sure what he meant by it now??

Will wait till this weekend for their response and get back.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Probably its A.S.S. without the dots. Lets hope something positive will come. Keep us updated.


Broken In
Thanks for all your support.
UPDATE: After lot of chain mails,Palit RMA team has finally agreed to take my card.I was so happy that i will get a new card.
They asked me to deposit the card at the chennai Palit RMA centre. I did it happily the next day itself.
I waited patiently for 3 weeks and did not get any call from them.so i called them up and enquired.They told me "Relax sir,this process usually takes upto 3months"
My graphics card is on World tour i guess...Its going to kolkota and then to malaysia/thailand.
I sent a mail to the Tirupathi RMA to check with them,They told that this is the process and i should be happy that they have accepted the card.i gave up.

I am not very sure if they will replace the card even after three months.I lost hope.
Three months wait to just know whether they will replace the card or not.
Not sure what to do...;-(


Super Moderator
Staff member
Sorry to hear that, its almost a month now, I guess, so wait for some more time. And do keep us updated.

And in the meantime live on your IGP. There's little you can do right now.


Broken In

I know how hard it feels. BTW Palit = Bad.A.S.S . Don't you know that before buying...
Thanks skud.That is what i am doing now. but hard to stomach this 3months period.

I never know that. My dealer advised me that palit has the best service support and hence went for it blindly.
2months to go.:x


Super Moderator
Staff member
A friendly advice: next time whenever you are going to purchase anything, get some suggestions here. Experience is the better teacher of life.


Wise Old Owl
Eiks I have a Palit GTS 250 as well. Running fine for 2 years now. I hope it lasts till HD 7xxx appear and push the 69xx prices to juicy levels :D


Broken In
Good news..
I finally got a replacement after 3months.I collected it this saturday from chennai branch.
Even though it took 3months,i am happy that i got a replacement which seems to be running fine till now.
Thanks for all your kind words and support.


Chosen of the Omnissiah
^^ good to hear that you got a replacement at last.

Thread moved to Service and RMA section.
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