Pak hackers plan attack on Indian cyber networks: Intel

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It's true Im not confused
Dont they have any other work...other than trying to catch India's tail everytime
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Cyborg Agent
^^ i have a single comp n home user...i have seen these viruses for more than 5 years.......better choice would be browsing in linux...


In the books..Studying
Lol I was wondering how I got owner of banned from one of the most reputed webmaster forum..

See hes banned (read through whole post)


Lets PWN Them like this lol..


Most Definitely.

It is sad that so many Indians visit that site.:sad:, in spite of knowing .pk is a Pakistani Website...

Personally I feel those people visiting those sites deserve to get hacked...

No Kiddin'

@OP: Would you not mind removing the link. Since, a lot of people might visit that site and get infected...

Will you say same thing to the visitors of tr******va and bollyextr****m??????

Anyway ... networks can be hacked from diff places also .. if some one host a site from US which allows you to download stuffs what we can do??? most importantly rather that sites attacks, we should be prepared and take precautions for torrents downloads cuz its gives a port which is granted by firewall

so, instead of poining .. lets be secure against all attacks ...
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