Package Management in Fedora Core 8

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Mine has fedora 8 (Digit Feb 08 DVD) installed.
I can NOT get the "Package Management Tool " for the purpose of 'Add Remove components'.
I have tried 'redhat-config-packages' but command is not supported.

The only choice for me is to customize/select components during a fresh installation only.
Please guide (I am new to opensource).


Linux User
Does your machine has internet access?
Execute this in Terminal/Konsole
su -
yum -y update
Post exact error message here, if any.


@kalpik : [root@Hitman-Linux ~]# yumex
bash: yumex: command not found

pirut opens repository manager & can't fulfil my requirement.

@ghost : I do NOT want a web -UPDATE. Instead I want to add remove components/packages those are already available in Fedora 8 (Digit Feb-08) DVD.


In Pursuit of "Happyness"
@kalpik : [root@Hitman-Linux ~]# yumex
bash: yumex: command not found

pirut opens repository manager & can't fulfil my requirement.

@ghost : I do NOT want a web -UPDATE. Instead I want to add remove components/packages those are already available in Fedora 8 (Digit Feb-08) DVD.
You need to install yumex. "yum install yumex". Also pirut should work!


Juke Box Hero
Forget pirut and all the in-built ones. Get yumex and kyum

#yum install yumex kyum

Edit: I'm posting some alternatives which are way better and faster than pirut.
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Linux User
mohanty1942 said:
@ghost : I do NOT want a web -UPDATE. Instead I want to add remove components/packages those are already available in Fedora 8 (Digit Feb-0:cool: DVD
That command is checking for internet access only. It wont Upgrade anything. It will just update cache. If yum is not working in Terminal, none of other Package Manager will work. You have to make sure that machine is well connected to internet.
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