I tried overclocking my Corsair Vengeance 8GB @ 1600Mhz to atleast 2000mhz+ but failed. Raising the dram voltage doesn't help. Kinda new to memory OC, especially doing this on my motherboard P8Z77-V LX. Default settings @ 800 MHz 10-10-10-27 (CL-RCD-RP-RAS) / 39-208-5-12-6-6-24 (RC-RFC-RRD-WR-WTR-RTP-FAW). I understand I have to find a suitable timing but no guides I've read mention anything about secondary and third timings. Just primary timings and increasing ram voltage. My mobo has these ram settings to tweak: VCC, VCCPLL, VCCIO, VCCSA, VGFXVID and DRAM voltage. So what am I missing here? I'm able to post more detail.