Official Nokia 5800 XpressMusic discussion thread


Chosen of the Omnissiah you all must have experienced that the pre loaded DRM songs with the .dcf extension stop playing after you perform a firmware upgrade/update to your Nokia 5800.

You have to take it to the Nokia Care to resolve the issue.

Here is a solution for it...

Download this file: *

It contains the activation keys for those songs. Extract the archive and copy every file (except the PDF document) to the IMPORT folder in your memory card.

Now you'll have to perform a Hard Reset/Restore factory defaults using *#7370#. So, do take a back-up and perform the reset.

Now when you'll open the Music player for the first time after the reset, it will search for the Songs & Podcasts and automatically activate the .dcf songs using the keys you had copied in the IMPORT folder of your memory card. And the fone will be able to play the pre-loaded songs.
I once again quote this.

Please don't read that .pdf file and don't follow the instructions in it.

You will have to perform a Hard Reset. :)


5800 is now available for just 13.5k my friend got it today and i also enquired at nokia priority its 13.5k definetly but at this price they have removed many things. extra stylus pouch stand tv out cable tv out feature as well(ya its true i have confirmed it they have removed the tv out feature)
there is small notice on back of the box saying tv out mode is not supported and inside the box also saying tv out fmode is no longer supported please ignore any settings
now 5800 is 13.5k and 5530 will be availble at now what 5800 or 5530????


everything you said above is correct except for the prices... check them again

5800 still goes for 16k+taxes and that 14k of 5530 would be the MSRP not the street price



Broken In
No dude! check with your dealer, Prices for new 5800 has come down to 13.5k -14.5k, its true... don't ask me about source n all :p just check it with your sources.
this information is for all the people who don't know it yet..
and yeah here is the link -



Broken In
I am getting it for 14.5k [12.5 % vat here] and all things included: stylus,wrist pad,memory card etc as was earlier .gonna take it in 2 days :)


Broken In
Nope I dont think so and why would they do it for black version :???:
In pune here all 3 colors same price same box contents as usual for 14.5k[vat 12.5 %:shock:]
Which color looks better?I have just seen red dummy model so cant make my mind on color.


got this news from nokia priority that price of 5800 will further fall to 12.5k but not below that.if this happens its really a steal for that price.i think this will happen in this festive season,nokia is getting very agressive in pricing which is good for us.


Daydream Believer
Price of 5800XM are falling, may be because 5800 XM 'Navigation Edition' is going to be launched soon (Q3 - 2009).



Got my 5800xm last week ... gifted actually :) ... nice fone ... reg the above discussion, i got the TV feature with cable and stuff, but didnt get the pouch extra stylus or stand ...


Just Do It
got this news from nokia priority that price of 5800 will further fall to 12.5k but not below that.if this happens its really a steal for that price.i think this will happen in this festive season,nokia is getting very agressive in pricing which is good for us.

Are you from Bangalore ?

I want to buy this handset, where can I get it for a cheap price. I got a price quote of 14k[incl VAT] from Univercell & Sangeetha.
Posted again:
5800 is now available for just 13.5k my friend got it today and i also enquired at nokia priority its 13.5k definetly but at this price they have removed many things. extra stylus pouch stand tv out cable tv out feature as well(ya its true i have confirmed it they have removed the tv out feature)
there is small notice on back of the box saying tv out mode is not supported and inside the box also saying tv out fmode is no longer supported please ignore any settings
now 5800 is 13.5k and 5530 will be availble at now what 5800 or 5530????

Is this in Bangalore ?
Last edited:


no buddy i am from lucknow but i think it does not matter from place as now the new 5800 is availble and its the same everywhere,but if you want to buy just try to find older model with tvout,if you can get it, it will be great.
you can see my other post about new nokia 5800 here

it is availble at 13.5k as of now and about the tvout feature i called nokia care and they told me that new stock will come and that will have tvout feature but they donot know when it will come and what will be the price of that?

just want to ask can nokia increase the price of 5800 when new stock comes to the original price of 16.5k again or the price once decreased to 13.5k cannot be increased?


In the zone
tell me which office software i ve to install to see my .doc files and to view pdf file what do i ve to do with my new nokia 5800 em mobile phone..
please help me..
i can download i my pc then dcan install it on my firmware version is 30.0
otherwise it is a great phone..


hell boy
Install quickoffice and adobe reader le for ms office and pdf files respectively! They are available on nokia site for download! Or google!


In the zone
please give me the nokia site there is no 5800 in that place ..
so please give me the url to download quick officwe and adobe reader please
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