NVIDIA’s GeForce GTS 450: Pushing Fermi In To The Mainstream


dude i just went through the AT review, even after they really OC the card, the performance was "just" better than that of the 5770 stock, I did not see any thrashing.....still a bad buy IMO...

Even before the launch of the GTS 450, the cheapest HD 5770 was $139, did not see that move (price on newegg)
Jaskanwar Singh

Jaskanwar Singh

Aspiring Novelist
dude i just went through the AT review, even after they really OC the card, the performance was "just" better than that of the 5770 stock, I did not see any thrashing.....still a bad buy IMO...

they didnt oc the evga, palit, asus cards to match hd5770. these are factory oced.
and please, did i mention thrashing in my just last post.

ya the oc editions will be a bad buy if around 9k because msi hd5770 hawk is 9.5k.
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dude you need to read the review again. If you are a angry, I will stop here,no point discussing as both of us are not getting this card anyways.

here is a random bench i have taken from the AT review :

See, they have given both OC and factory OC benchies. Now after all the OCing, you just about get the same performance, you are charging more $$,paying a fatter electricity bill.

Read post 10 of this thread, use words wisely.

over and out.
Jaskanwar Singh

Jaskanwar Singh

Aspiring Novelist
and you are seeing the oc review. just see the normal not oc review and other games also.
a screenshot -

and by last post i mean 15.

and i am sorry if any of my posts hurt you.

roughly performance wise, this is the scenario.

GTS450 = HD5750.
GTS 250 OC = HD5770.
HD5770 OC = no match for GTS450. now HD5770 1Gb cost 9k. so if going by performance, GTS450 OC should cost 9k or 9.2k. 9.7k is total rubbish for me. yes it'll run cooler, have OC potential, etc. but at 9.5k MSI HAWX will kick GTS450 out of market anyway of the year. now what you think?

i only see 1fps difference in hd5770 hawk and hd5770. so how will it kick away GTS450 oc editions?
MSI R5770 HAWK review
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Retired Forum Mod
i only see 1fps difference in hd5770 hawk and hd5770. so how will it kick away GTS450 oc editions?

HAWX = OC'ded, runs cooler & have a high OC potential. performance ranges from game to game & the HW used in junction with the card. so don't expect HD5770 always to beat GTS450 or don't think GTS450 will always beat HD5750. yes in some games theres hardly any difference in performance but in some the difference immediately shows.

i went through some benchmark @ Fudzilla & the GTS450 performs just below HD5750. once OC'd (say the factory OC'd cards) comes close to HD5770 (stock). all the benchmark i saw were done on DX11 games. so i'll just say for now, till GTS450 OC edition or HAWX or Cyclone comes @ 9-9.2k, else its waste of money. cause all addon you getting is CUDA/PhysX. but you can't use these features as the card is way less powerful to let you turn these options on (in games). you do, card comes to a crawl.
Jaskanwar Singh

Jaskanwar Singh

Aspiring Novelist
why there is difference of benchmarks on various sites. some gts450 beasts hd5750 and others i see hd5750 ahead.

and i agree with your pricing absolutely.


why there is difference of benchmarks on various sites. some gts450 beasts hd5750 and others i see hd5750 ahead.

and i agree with your pricing absolutely.

it depends upon their setups
some setups may include i7 930 whereas some may include x6 1090t
same goes with amount of ram
and not to forget i saw some sites showing results on the basis of DX 10 and some on DX 11


laborare est orare
Rightly pointed out SAM. With GTS 450, definitely you will get CUDA and PhysX but what is the utilization of it. Thorugh CUDA you can run some editing software faster, but so with the ATI stream.
And PhysX, well set everything high in MAfia in a 19" monitor (1440X900), enable Physx and run it using GTS 450. The frame rate will drop to near 20 fps. Unless you are having a moderately powerful card like GTX 460 768 MB, using PhysX in current games are near to useless. In-fact it is mentioned in Guru3d several times. And the price point is not at all justified for GTS 450 overclocked version.
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