<NSFW>Hatred: the Modern Manhunt/Postal??


Augmented Nerd
Presenting now, ladies and gentlemen, is a new trailer which has blown out-of-proportions over the past 3 days. Twitter,FB and reddit's gone mad about it.

Hatred is a PC-exclusive(for now,anyway) game about straight-up-no-bullshit slaughter of people fueled by nothing but pure, well, hatred. Its trailer came out this week, and many people found it to be upsetting, even deplorable/disgusting.

Here's the trailer. Fair Warning: it's exceedingly graphic and depicts the slaughter of horrified people who scream and plead for their lives.NSFW It's not shittin rainbows, people.

Courting shock publicity, reminiscent of early 90s MortalKombat Fatalities and early 2000s strangulation by polythene bags(read Manhunt), the trailer has got a sh!t-ton of attention, hitting nearly a million views in 3 days. Of course, you can't hate or troll the game without telling others what's it's about-at least watch the trailer, hence giving it more views and prospective players. Exactly what the the devs are counting on!!

Here: an Interview with the devs from Destructive Creations-warning, it's rather biased-and very hypocritical. I mean, at least try to be objective dude. Rather non-professional from a Polygon journalist.

Thing is, nothing new to see here. We have seen wanton violence before-in Postal games(which is about killing everybody, aka "going postal")-in Manhunt, no need to say more-or the most well known GTA series where, let's face it, real fun lies in going crazy and doing whatever you want to do(aka rampage by flying cars). VIOLENCE IS NOT ANYTHING NEW, people.


Hatred however, hits hard. This is not satire. This is not slapstick/black comedy. We are not shooting aliens or robots or zombies in the face. We are not killing reapers and banging genetically-perfect babes on a weekly basis. This is hunting innocent civilians down-shooting , stabbing them-and laugh as they plead for their lives. It bathes in the moment of the kill as the main character, for instance, sticks the barrel of a gun down a screaming woman's throat and pulls the trigger. It details every element of that, each portion of the struggle, every feeble flailing of arms and legs. The kills are not cool-instead, it's about the terror-the paralyzing tricking of gut-wrenching fear as your tormentor comes upon you to inflict suffering, and you can do jack-**** about it. This fear-it's gives a feeling of power-of lording over helpless victims, power which Terrorists and psychopaths crave.

Just to be clear: the notion that video-games cause/promote violence is BULLSHIT. The only difference between this game and any other shooter is the removal of the morally-uplifting cause. You ain't saving anyone here, you're just killing people because you like it. The problem is the glorification of terror and fear the victims feel. Violence is always been necessary in most games. Even mario kills the mushroom nemesis by jumping on it's head. Nearly every COD/Battlefield is murder-simulation. Hatred isn't any different. It just doesn't use a veil for it.

Honestly, it's just a video game. There are tons of more gory slasher movies out there. As always, the gameplay is what matters(so does the story, but don't hold your breath on this one). The aesthetically-grim black-and-white splashed with colors here and there does add to the mood of the slaughter. My point being-it's just different. It has been a long time something this hard-hitting came on the market, and well, it helps to have variety. Violence is Violence, guys. At least try it out before shitting on it.

PS: Honestly, the best thing about the trailer is the reactions. So please, what are your thoughts??

PPS: Aren't you tired of loot-caves and grinding levels(read Borderlands and Destiny)?? I know I am. Waiting for FC4 and DA3...
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Broken In
I love it! Hope the game play is as good as it seems. Take it or leave but, take the BS and shove it! To me, its just a game.


Ambassador of Buzz
Wow. Amazing. I think it could be like Level 1- Mass murder at OFfice, level 2 - Mass murder in school etc


Conversation Architect
i am a bit shocked.

what is the meaning of making such a game??
how is it a game?? does it provide any kind of entertainment??


Living to Play
Hatred however, hits hard. This is not satire. This is not slapstick/black comedy. We are not shooting aliens or robots or zombies in the face. We are not killing reapers and banging genetically-perfect babes on a weekly basis. This is hunting innocent civilians down-shooting , stabbing them-and laugh as they plead for their lives. It bathes in the moment of the kill as the main character, for instance, sticks the barrel of a gun down a screaming woman's throat and pulls the trigger. It details every element of that, each portion of the struggle, every feeble flailing of arms and legs. The kills are not cool-instead, it's about the terror-the paralyzing tricking of gut-wrenching fear as your tormentor comes upon you to inflict suffering, and you can do jack-**** about it. This fear-it's gives a feeling of power-of lording over helpless victims, power which Terrorists and psychopaths crave.

Just to be clear: the notion that video-games cause/promote violence is BULLSHIT. The only difference between this game and any other shooter is the removal of the morally-uplifting cause. You ain't saving anyone here, you're just killing people because you like it. The problem is the glorification of terror and fear the victims feel. Violence is always been necessary in most games. Even mario kills the mushroom nemesis by jumping on it's head. Nearly every COD/Battlefield is murder-simulation. Hatred isn't any different. It just doesn't use a veil for it.

Honestly, it's just a video game. There are tons of more gory slasher movies out there. As always, the gameplay is what matters(so does the story, but don't hold your breath on this one). The aesthetically-grim black-and-white splashed with colors here and there does add to the mood of the slaughter. My point being-it's just different. It has been a long time something this hard-hitting came on the market, and well, it helps to have variety. Violence is Violence, guys. At least try it out before shitting on it.

PS: Honestly, the best thing about the trailer is the reactions. So please, what are your thoughts??

PPS: Aren't you tired of loot-caves and grinding levels(read Borderlands and Destiny)?? I know I am. Waiting for FC4 and DA3...

1. Hunting innocent people and killing them without any reason which I avoid in games in which I can do that.
2. COD/Battlefield don't ask you to kill innocent people.
3. Yeah its different but I don't like this kind of different.
4. My thoughts are- I'll skip the game
5. No I am not tired of that.


Ambassador of Buzz
I am shocked to see people not liking the concept. Carmageddon was a whole lot of fun to kill the pedestrians and to splatter the cows :D


Augmented Nerd
i am a bit shocked.

what is the meaning of making such a game??
how is it a game?? does it provide any kind of entertainment??

Well, you have guns, you shoot people, and you blow up stuff. Only difference is there is no damsel to save and no villains to defeat. You are the villain-killing things just for the sake of it.
And from the looks of it...seems fun. I've always liked killing American cops in games(GTA etc. my guilty pleasure ;]).

Carmageddon was a whole lot of fun to kill the pedestrians and to splatter the cows :D

I loved Manhunt. It never apologized for being what it was-loads of fun. Carmageddon-like-maps on GTA online are fun too!

all i see is a banned game. if not in india then certainly in australia.

Yeah no kidding. Aussies censor everything. It would be interesting to see which states in the US they ban it(Connecticut-for instance. 2012 elementary school shooting is still fresh). Doubt it'll be banned in India. Why would they bother anyway? More than 90% PC gamers pirate games here.


Lost in speed
I didn't find this game different from what the current games are doing. Though the voice acting could do the trick emotionally.


Living to Play
I didn't find this game different from what the current games are doing. Though the voice acting could do the trick emotionally.

Yup that can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the person playing. Someone is screaming while I take his/her life, well thats something some would appreciate and some would hate,


This reminds me of GTA without the humor. ^^^ Yeah the voice acting and music makes it feels more intense. Not sure if the real game will feel that intense.

vito scalleta

In the zone
how is this going to be challenging ??
just to see who gets the high score ?
i understand killing cops in gta was fun.. but at least they put up a fight .
i think 15 mins into the game i would lose all interest.


Sith Lord
Staff member
Borderlands is pretty insane, def not politically correct. Donno about Destiny

and does this thing have a cat silencer?
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