<NSFW>Hatred: the Modern Manhunt/Postal??


er.. is it wierd to say that i finished the entire manhunt game when i was like 13 years old ..
I even remember the end game boss Pigsy was butt naked


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Is there any context to the violence?

There have been games about killing civilians before. There was that level in COD:MW2 and there is Postal. But they had a context.

But then again, slaughtering virtual people is different than slaughtering people in real life, don't know why people are so riled up about [strike]this[/strike] such games?


Talk to the hand!!!
Epic asked the devs to remove Unreal Engine branding from the trailers. Wow. A game which is too violent even for the makers of games like UT and Gears of War :/


Sith Lord
Staff member
The upcoming GTA V first person view re release is more or less this. Innocents even beg for mercy before you shoot them.

There are games which treat humans even more brutally. In Ascend : Hand of Kul, you are some kind of Titan like figure, and the humans bow down and worship you where ever you go. You can pick them up and eat them for health, or you can split them on sacrificial alters to desecrate temples and claim new areas.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
I wouldn't compare this to Postal. Postal (2) is more campy and serves as a protest against those lobbying against violent video games.

This is one has like, no context.


Lost in speed
In [PROTOTYPE], the character can k1ll people in so many ways with graphic v1olence. Why it didn't get mention as Brutal than this game?


Manhunt had one of the best boss battles in a stealth game.. dayum manhunt was gory but really really good
It was made at a time when gameplay exceeded graphics, games that actually felt immersive and non repetitive..
I have yet to see a stealth game that was as immersive as manhunt..


Not sure if I can play an entire shooter game in isometric view. They should have added either a first or third person mode.
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