just go to the shop where yo purchased the stuff
and ask the dealer to take it back so that you can buy some other stuff from them only
he'll most probably agree
btw which shop was it?
I tried that,the shop was cost to cost in nehru place
Intel Core 2 Duo E7500 wasn't the right choice in 2011. AMD Athlon II X2 255 performs similar to this and is 40% cheaper.
The thing is, most new games are CPU intensive + multithreaded and are utilizing all the four cores of processors. See if you can get it replaced with a Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200 with some extra money. This should give you good boost in newer games.
I don't know if Q9xxx are still available in the market.
anyways, an Athlon II X4 640 config would have been much better for you.
Yes,you are right,but i guess i should have done some research,but then again,i dont plan to keep this rig all my life,so hardly makes any difference,Every time you buy something latest the next day it turns out old school,now that a fact,you just cant keep up.So,the safe bet for me would be waiting for next year for the intel ivy bridge.so lets start saving a penny every day