NOKIA: We Have a "Contingency Plan" if Windows Phone Fails


Back to school!!
Android or not, nokia should keep wp on board, remember apple vs samsung? Soon apple will be coming after other android devices too, then there's oracle, ms itself, android handset makers will be facing patent hell in near future..


Team Digit
I just came around this "b**l s**t" while surfing

Nokia Announces Android 4.0 Device |

Rumors like these will make Nokia Fan-boy's go crazy !!


Team Digit
Whatever it might be..
I mentioned there that it's a "b**l s**t" post..
anyways, there is a lot more I do than Gaming !!



Firecracker to the moon
If nokia introduces android As nokia will also provide better battery??.R.I.P samsung,htc,sony.AND yeSH Maybe R.I.P Apple :lol: :rofl:
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