Nokia 5130 dialup Problem!


the m0nk who sold his PC!
I'm trying to setup a internet connection on my brother's pc using my Nokia 5130. I have the Nokia PC suite installed and all the necessary drivers get automatically installed when i connect my mobile using USB cable. The problem is that Nokia PC suite dashboard shows that i'm connected to the internet, even the Tray icon of Windows7 shows i'm connected, but it has a "yellow exclamatory mark" and shows "No Network Access" when i hover the pointer over it. The connection status shows "no ipv6 and ipv4 connectivity" but there is increment of "sent packets" but "packets received" is stuck at 263 sometimes and sometimes at 296.
Help guys! It works so-far on every pc i have come across, on XP and Win7 brother's pc is giving me problems!

There's uplink, i presume, but no downlink! :'(


I mean there are some services in windows like COM, DCOM etc etc which are important for internet connectivity, cause some softwares like tuneup disable these when you are not using internet. To check it task manager
2.go to services tab
3.check those services are either running or not.
#to find if any service is needed for internet read its description.


Spiritual Eternity
I exactly had the same problem with my 5230 but I devised a trick of my own.There is no problem on your part, all bcoz of faulty ISP.
I used to do this thing don't know whether it will work for you or not; Open your browser and type any web address, do not press 'go' yet.Now open connections and dial your respective connection, as soon as you click on dial hit the go in browser.If it shows error continuosly press F5 till the page gets loaded.

You can also try this:
Once you are connected check the connection details to get your ISP Domain servers.There will be two domain server addresses,note them.
You can disconnect now.
Now open command prompt and type

ping -t

Where xxx is your domain server
Do same for the second server also.
Now connect again and most probably there would be an working uplink.
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