Nexus 7 (2012) slow USB charging


Wise Old Owl
My nexus 7 2012 edition is charging 5% for an hour Via USB. It seem to charge fine via its adapter but damn slow via USB. I am using my desktop as the charging station.


Geek in making
What happened to your adapter?
Since charging via desktop will not be a good option since the device is recognised as a media device I will advise to charge it with adapter.
But 5% in hour us slow I usually get around 10-12% with USB charging.


The Power of x480
Staff member
Yup. Charging through Desktop is a bad idea. Adapter is the way to go.
But if you have no other choice, then you can try charging keeping the tab off. That might make it a little fast.


USB 2.0 only offers 500 mA @ 5 Volts (2.5 Watts) whereas USB 3.0 offers 900mA (4.5 Watts), which is bad for any device's battery which is designed to charge at higher rated current. Not good for battery life.


The Power of x480
Staff member
USB 2.0 only offers 500 mA @ 5 Volts (2.5 Watts) whereas USB 3.0 offers 900mA (4.5 Watts), which is bad for any device's battery which is designed to charge at higher rated current. Not good for battery life.

Umm... thanks for the info.
But point here?


Wise Old Owl
Well i have the adapter with me. My isuue was whether the battery is behaving normally or not due to the very slow usb charging.


Geek in making
Charge it with adapter and if it performs similar than there might be something wrong but if it changes at a normal pace then it is working fine.


Human Spambot
There is no drawback charging via PC! And it's normal, as someone said before USB 2.0 doesn't go above 500 mA for charging. There is an app in Play which monitors the charging current, forgot the name, kindly search.
There are lots of cases of USB cable going kaput, that might be the case here too.


Adam young
even my nexus 7 charges very slow via PC USB port,i think all the nexus 7 have this its better to charge with the adapter provided.
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