News: Three dead in Lovely Professional Loonyversity


3 Students dead: A brawl between a group of students during an official University football league Semifinal left 3 students critically injured. One of these students has been confirmed dead and thereare reports that the remaining two also succumbed to their injuries. The brawl broke out when
an Indian student scored a goal which put his team in a winning position. The opposing team of
international students (belonging from Tanzania and Sudan) went on a rampage and beat the boy to
death and left grievous internal injuries on two others.

Late in the evening when the news of the death broke out there were protests by the students. Next
day the classes went on normal but after the classes, the students gathered inside the University Park
to show solidarity to the deceased (with heavy police deployment). The university had not considered
it necessary to even have a two minute silence or to officially acknowledge the death of the students
till then(The news came on university management system today). In fact, the pro-chancellor and
ex dean of the university Ms Rashmi mittal who is a self proclaimed “Social activist” was seen going
around with a ton of security guards to disperse the crowd that was trying to peacefully offer their
condolences to the deceased and trying to get justice for his family. Due to this there was an increase
in the anger of the students who were unable to execute their democratic right of peaceful protest.
The foreign students have been said to be flown out of the country.

Lathi charge on campus:
The Phagwara police swung into action and faithfully did the job which its
colonial masters trained it for. It Lathi charged the unarmed protesters INSIDE the university campus
and fought a pitched battle with stones. Some aggressive elements of the students resorted to arson
and destroyed university property .There are reports that a policeman was hurt and many students
also sustained injuries. There are also reports of a gunshot in the air by the police. Some students
have been said to be arrested. During all this time the media was not allowed inside the campus.

Racial tension: As seen by comments on TOI website by many students it can be clearly seen that
racial tensions have flared after the death. There are reports that some Indian students were planning
to take revenge on black students .Many racist comments are being made about black people/foreign
nationals and it’s not uncommon to refer to them as “Niggers” or “Negros” .Many foreign black
students who had nothing to do with the issue were taken out of campus for their safety. Also the
black people are not left behind on racist remarks and one of them can be seen on TOI comments
page as referring to the students from Mizoram as “Mongoloids”. I am ashamed to have been a
student of a university in which so many racist people study.


Because of an earlier protest against the university, the university has completely fortified itself.
There are electric fences all around the university and electronic gates seen in prisons. Some students
were unable to run away from police brutality and sustained injures trying to escape the fences. The
media were not allowed to enter the university. The university has been closed for 3 days because of
fear of student backlash. Political Inception: The corruption in the UGC is not new. There have been discussions in the
government to liquidize the UGC for some time. Seeing the present state of higher education in the
country it is not too difficult to see why. The document of the UGC inspection committee concludes
its “inspection” something like this. “The committee strongly feels that the university is located in
the rural area in the heart of the state of Punjab and is thus qualified for UGC recognition.” So any
university located in a rural area is qualified for UGC recognition .The document reads more like an
advertisement than an “Inspection report”. It also makes outrageous statements like the teacher
student ratio is 1:15. The teacher student ratio is upwards of 1:60 in lovely university. “In view of
the above facts and CRITICAL EVALUATION ... “ . The admission is open without Entrance tests. The
central library is still under construction after 5 years of the inspection. The little library is barely able
to hold 100 students, let alone 24000. The admission block is the largest and most decorated of any
other block in the university.

Excuse my English, I am just an undergrad of LPU, but the document is notorious for having more
spelling and grammatical mistakes than the number of Professors of UGC that signed it. Read it
yourself for more chuckles.

The scene clearly looks like this.

People of LPU create an advertisement like “Inspection document”. The UGC professors arrive and
merrily greet everybody. They sign the 10 page document in a hurry and leave with a black suitcase.

**seems like the document has been removed from their website. but i have a copy **

Family controlled business:

LPU is unofficially a family controlled business controlled by the Mittals. Some time back UGC
derecognized around 35 family controlled educational institutes in the South. Why did they not close
lovely? The answer is obvious.

One more in the series of events: There have been suicides and rapes in lovely professional university
which have been duly suppressed from reaching public eye by using money power. There have been
protests, mass rustications, “accidents” and everything has just gotten a paragraph on 4th page in
most local news papers.

Role of the media:

Name one news channel on which you don’t see ads of lovely professional University? With most of
the media on its paycheck, it is very rare to see a critical article on the university. While minor “paid
for” news events will be duly covered in local and national media. It’s time for the students to come
out peacefully and speak their mind.

I would like to make it clear that my views may not necessarily reflect that of all 24000+ students of the
institute. These views are of a common student of this university, who speaks his mind about atrocities
which many others think of as just “daily business in our country”. I in no way support the violent
measures taken by some of the students. I would say that it’s better to vent your anger online on blogs /
forums / news websites in a democratic manner so the whole world can hear about this dirty education


Judgement Time!!
seriously who goes these **** assed university with the most badass( :D ) name in the world...wouldn't go even if i am offered a free seat


Back to school!!
Lovely professional university? Seriously? Where were you all my life?

Sorry for the students.
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