New PC Rig .. Want To Buy Till Feb End.



I dont have any knowledge about monitor except some basic...please cN you tell me whats ips pannel and tn pannel?
Or can you just suggest me?
And whats the prob degrading i5 to 2nd gen?

The Incinerator

Human Spambot
Get this as a monitor PHILIPS LED 22"(226V3L) Rs 7200 at Cost to Cost.

3rd Gen i5- ivy-bridge uses 22nm lithography/die
Higher base clock speeds
powerfull built in gpu with hd 4000
overclocking potential is slighly weak

2nd Gen - sandy-bridge uses 32nm lithography/die
Lower base clock speeds
Lesser Built in gpu with hd 3000
overclocking potential is better than ivy

Ivy consumes less power too. And it dosnt make sense buy old stuff when buying a new PC. Does it?


Get this as a monitor PHILIPS LED 22"(226V3L) Rs 7200 at Cost to Cost.

3rd Gen i5- ivy-bridge uses 22nm lithography/die
Higher base clock speeds
powerfull built in gpu with hd 4000
overclocking potential is slighly weak

2nd Gen - sandy-bridge uses 32nm lithography/die
Lower base clock speeds
Lesser Built in gpu with hd 3000
overclocking potential is better than ivy

Ivy consumes less power too. And it dosnt make sense buy old stuff when buying a new PC. Does it?

Thanks a lot my friend...i was first buying from smc but now will be buying from cost to cosr as they give products for lesser price as compared to smc...
A big difference..
Checkout my finalized rig :

Intel Core i5 3470 - Rs 10390 (price checked on cost to cost)
Gigabyte GA-B75-D3H - Rs 3900 (price checked on cost to cost)
Gskill Ripjaws 4GB 1600mhz- Rs 1900
GPU - GIGABYTE GV-R777OC-1GD - Rs 7800 (price checked on cost to cost)
HDD - Toshiba 1TB (DT01ACA100)- Rs 3900 (price checked on cost to cost)
SMPS - Corsair CX430V2 - Rs 2500
Cabinet - Cm k380 -Rs 3000
OPD -Asus DRW-24B5ST Internal Optical Drive- 1000
Monitor - PHILIPS LED 22"(226V3L -7200 (price checked on cost to cost)

Mouse Keyboard - mk200 combo - 750 (price checked on cost to cost)
Speakers - z120 - 600

Total - Rs 42940 + 1405 vat
= 44345

Now,i was wondering...the aoc monitor you suggested was therefor 7800 ... Is it worth the 600bucks?
Shall i go for thT?
And thr gpu - shall. Go with sapphire?
Cuz only sapphire hd7770 was listed there?

Is this true?
What the guy wrote here?
Isnt it safe to buy products for cost to cost? :O

Someone? Please reply?
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Yesyou are right after adding the vat the net in cost to cost becomes - Rs 44345
And in smc the net comes to be 44050
But are these totals inclusive all taxes? Ie,the final bill i will get?

Is this the final bill which i will get on smc ?
Rs 44050?
Or would i have anymore tax on this too?
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please tell me in the rig which incinerator gave me?
will i have to give additional tax on that?
or thats inclusive all taxes?

please tell me in the rig which incinerator gave me?
will i have to give additional tax on that?
or thats inclusive all taxes?


yeahm the incenerator's rig:

this one-
Intel Core i5 3470 - Rs 10390 (price checked on cost to cost)
Gigabyte GA-B75-D3H - Rs 3900 (price checked on cost to cost)
Gskill Ripjaws 4GB 1600mhz- Rs 1900
GPU - GIGABYTE GV-R777OC-1GD - Rs 7800 (price checked on cost to cost)
HDD - Toshiba 1TB (DT01ACA100)- Rs 3900 (price checked on cost to cost)
SMPS - Corsair CX430V2 - Rs 2500
Cabinet - Cm k380 -Rs 3000
OPD -Asus DRW-24B5ST Internal Optical Drive- 1000
Monitor - PHILIPS LED 22"(226V3L -7200 (price checked on cost to cost)

Mouse Keyboard - mk200 combo - 750 (price checked on cost to cost)
Speakers - z120 - 600

Total - Rs 42940 + 1405 vat
= 44345


this one is the one with prices from cost to cost and now when i came to know that we have to ay extra vat tax on this so now i will be purchasing from smc only...but the net which came out...will i have to play more as tax on that too?

i asked that the net which i was told was that the bill price?
or did it have tax on it?
was it inclusive all taxes or not?

The Incinerator

Human Spambot
4% is all the TAX you will have to pay. Nothing more. When you buy an entire system from a store get in to some hard bargaining, sometime it helps! :twisted:


^nah,you arent getting me buddy...
The cost to cost rates i told you,remember which i said are very cheap...and then you said that i will have to 4%vat ... S that 4%vat was for all productsor on the total?
And then the smc total which came put to be 44050 is it the final bill?
Or would i have to pay extra tax on 44050 too?


Yea thats answer i was looking for. :D
And 4% VAT on cost to cost i will have to give is it on each product idivisuqlly or on the total?

Yea thats answer i was looking for. :D
And 4% VAT on cost to cost i will have to give is it on each product idivisuqlly or on the total?


So My Finalized Configiration :

Intel Core i5 3470 - Rs 10500
Gigabyte GA-B75-D3H - Rs 4000
Gskill Ripjaws 4GB 1600mhz- Rs 1900
GPU - GIGABYTE GV-R777OC-1GD - Rs 7800 ( will it be able to play all latest and upcoming games at good resloution? )
HDD - Toshiba 1TB (DT01ACA100)- Rs 4000
SMPS - Corsair CX430V2 - Rs 2500
Cabinet - Cm k380 -Rs 3000
OPD -Asus DRW-24B5ST Internal Optical Drive- 1000
Monitor - AOC LED 22" (I-2251FWE) IPS panel (1920x1080 LED) - Rs 8200 (i now can purchase it .. but worth every penny?)

Mouse Keyboard - mk200 combo - 750
Speakers - z120 - 600

NET : 44250


i have decided this rig and will be purchasing this only but was wondering why didnt you guys suggest me AMD Based... ? :p
And one more query?
Would i get a cm k380 easily from nehru place?



laborare est orare
I am not sure about the performance of HD 7770 in 1080P resolution for the latest demanding games like Far Cry 3, Hitmat Absolution and upcoming Crysis 3. Better opt for GTX 650 Ti.
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