^ i dont get what u r trying man.. explaing
btw LOG512 = 2.7092699609758307569236500525204
and Ln512 = 6.2383246250395077847550890931236
but i thought about digital.
1. digital (like a digit in a LCD)
_ _ _
|_ |_| |_ + | | |_ = bag
|_| | |_| | | _|
(dont know how bag will fit in a digit made up of seven segment)
2. Digital(binary)
646 + 115 = bag/BAG
1010000110 + 1110011 = 01100010(b) 01100001(a) 01100111(g)
1010000110 + 1110011 = 01000010(B) 01000001(A) 01000111(G)
215601 + 516114 = ??
110100101000110001 + 1111110000000010010 = ??
2.1 normalizing them(pad zeros to make same length)
646 + 115 = bag/BAG
0010 1000 0110 +
0000 0111 0011 =
0000 0110 0010(b)
0000 0110 0001(a)
0000 0110 0111(g)
0010 1000 0110 +
0000 0111 0011 =
0000 0100 0010(B)
0000 0100 0001(A)
0000 0100 0111(G)
215601 + 516114 = ??
0011 0100 1010 0011 0001 +
0111 1110 0000 0001 0010 = ??
2.2 or append them (hence +)
646 + 115 = bag/BAG
10100001101110011 = 011000100110000101100111(bag)
10100001101110011 = 010000100100000101000111(BAG)
215601 + 516114 = ??
0001 1010 0101 0001 1000 1111 1110 0000 0001 0010 = ??
i dont have anything with digital!