need cell phone. good radio a must...

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Senior Member
suggest me a phone. i'm thinking of chucking my old nokia 3315 coz its looking too big now. i dont want camera or mp3 player or video camera. even color screen is not necessary for me, i only want a good FM radio phone. no mono FM please :(
my budget is around 5k. even if the phone is old its ok..
edit: it should also be easy to type SMS. they keys should be comfy.
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In the zone
If u need only a good radio, then i dont think u need to spend 5K for that.
Check Motorola C168.
It has a stereo FM & perfectly fits your description.

Cool G5

Conversation Architect
+1 for Motorola C168.It is a good phone.You will get Fm radio,colour screen and more features.Check this out:*


Wise Old Owl
yes... MOTOROLA C168 is the best low budget FM phone and its now costs around 2.5k ..... but if you think about some good phone with radio, Motorola L6i may be a good option....
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