Need a config with onboard graphics below 30k

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In the zone
Thanx for the replys guys. Btw, i have successfully convinced my friend that as he is putting in 30k, it's better that he also gets an 8600gt.
As aravind suggested, pov 8600gt would be the choice.
Also is a good psu like powersafe required?


Wise Old Owl
its better to have a gud PSU with min 450w, as in future aybe the stock 400w or 450w cannpt handle if he adds some HDD,ODD,more mem, or some USB powered devices like SE phones, portable HDD etc.
And most of all the power consumtion of system increases as it gets older due to components like capacitors nd resistors inside mobo. So it is safe to have a gud powersupply.
Also normal ones cannot stand overclocking, either mem, CPu GPU etc nd may render the system unstable.

Moreover a gud PSU like Zeb Platinum 500 or better with 120mm fan cus also help in overall cooling of the system.


In the zone
I spoke to my friend just now and he told me that the dealer from whom he is planning to buy sells only intel. WTH:mad: wish he had told me this earlier:sad:

The dealer is offering the followin deal for 35k and my freind is confident that his dealer will bargain the system upto 32-33k:
Intel C2D 2.33 GHz
Intel G33 original mobo
250 GB Seagate sata2 hdd
Lite-on DVD-rw
19" samsung lcd
logitech keyboard+mouse
creative inspire m2600 2.1 speakers
ibox cabinet(never heard about that one!)

But my friend didnt know wat 5.1 speakers are and when i told him the meanin he said he wud defintely buy them. so the total cost wud go upto 35k!

How is the g33 mobo? Is it gud enough to play games at atleast medium setting?


Wise Old Owl
Though the system seems powerful, it cant handle games cox of X3000. It ca do most games @ lowest setings[better not play].
Is that what supposed to get from sucha system? Get at least a 8500GT for 3.k


Bond, Desi Bond!
Better choose other dealer if that dealer is not selling AMD's.

Note: do not get Creative Inspire M series of 5.1 speakers (eg: M5300). They suck. Get Logitech X540 for 5k or Creative Inspire T6060 for 3.7k.

I would also say a strict NO for Liteon. My liteon drive died within a month and am seeing lot of failure posted in this forum

If you wanna stick to 2.1, check the Logitech X230, Altec Lansing ATP3.
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Boy Waiting To Be A Man!!
Altec Lansing ATP 3 recommended.... very good speakers
DG33fbc is a good mobo with good onboard graphics... but if he is going for a gfx card then why waste money on it ...get asus or abit
yes do not go for lite-on as almost everyone facing its noise problem ...


In the zone
He is adamant on buying from that dealer. So, if the g33 has good onboard graphics, then i would suggest him to go for it.
Also i would suggest him to buy logitech x540 5.1
Anyway after agreeing to buy the 5.1 system, there is no money left to buy an 8600gt. If some part can be comprised upon, then please tell so that he could get the graphics card.
Also kindly suggest a good dvd writer.


In the zone
Actually, my friend says his dealer is gonna do the entire assembling for him and he will take care if anything goes wrong within one year. And also my friend will be getting the individual company warranty on the peripherals. He has been lured by this offer.
The dealer is aryan infocom from citylight area, mumbai.


Bond, Desi Bond!
Actually, my friend says his dealer is gonna do the entire assembling for him and he will take care if anything goes wrong within one year. And also my friend will be getting the individual company warranty on the peripherals. He has been lured by this offer.
The dealer is aryan infocom from citylight area, mumbai.

Whereever you buy the computer, you will get 1yr to 3yr warranty from the manufacturer. I know some store in bangalore like Computer warehouse that takes care of any problem with peripherals instead of we running to manufacturer.

IMHO, while buying a new PC, it's not the vendor (unless you buy branded PC) that you have to take into account. It's the peripherals and the value-for-money that we have to see.

Just ask your friend to increase the budget and get 8600GT. Any DX10 card less than that is pure waste of money.

Note: If your friend can increase the budget and get an 8600GT with Intel proccy and mobo, it will be a kicka$$ config :)
If he can't, just get a G33 mobo and buy the card like 8800GT (around 12k) after saving good amount of money.


In the zone
Although the g33 mobo has support for core 2 quad, it doesn't support ddr3 memory. Can someone tell me which are the intel mobos that support ddr3?
Also * says there are three variants of the intel dg33. If i have to select one of them which one should it be?
The logitech x530 costs 5600 according to itwares. Is there any cheaper alternative without much compromise on quality?


In the zone
Can sum1 suggest a good tv tuner card and a good 22" lcd monitor.
Also is intel 945 recommended over g33?


Bond, Desi Bond!
The best alternative to X-540 is X-530 which is available for less than 4.5k. Other alternative is Creative Inspire T6060.

I do not have much experience over Intel mobos. They are confusing and not many all-in-one mobos like AMD's mobo's.

Look at Pixelview or Pinnacle's TV Tuner cards. Internal cards are always better than External cards.

IF you are going for 22" monitor, Please increase your budget and get a 24" display as it support full HD. Dell's monitor costs around 18k. I think there is a thread going on about choosing monitor.


Google Bot
Cos Intel onboard gfx suck. The palit n73v is available for just 2.6k and has the nvidia 7050/n610i. Thats good vfm. If u can give 4.1k you can get the Abit In73hd with nvidia 7100/n630i.


In the zone
Thanx mate:)
Does the abit mobo has support for ddr3? Or rather my question should be, while buying a mobo nowadays, is it required to check if a mobo has support for ddr3?
Also how is the support for abit?


Bond, Desi Bond!
hmm. Just check for DDR2. DDR3 memory is very costly. DDR2-800 Should be your best choice. Affordable, yet fast.
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