MY LIFE AT STAKE !!! fingers crossed... clock's ticking...

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We Both Have a Mouse!!!
yaar jal,
her parents r consulting Guruji may be for Kundli(huge possibility) and her or u being Mangli or any stuff like that...
i have a very simple solution for u,
download the program Kundli lite and enter u and ur gf data in it and check the results...
if it says possitive(touch wood) then every thing is good :) , but if it says negative then be prepaird and start thinking allready tht wth r u gona do next, how will u tackle the situation....

yaar dont mind but im just thinking tht, since u r 21 she must b around 20-21(and she can b of diff. caste/religion i dont know but just thinking) and it is a very easy for parents of a girl to give excuse to not marry there girl in such a way that u dont have much 2 say n tht way is called the emotional/senti way.....

it is nice tht u respect them, i would also have done the same but i dont want 2 miss on practical possibilities......

all the best for u n her 2gether......


In the zone
yaar jal,
her parents r consulting Guruji may be for Kundli(huge possibility) and her or u being Mangli or any stuff like that...
i have a very simple solution for u,
download the program Kundli lite and enter u and ur gf data in it and check the results...
if it says possitive(touch wood) then every thing is good :) , but if it says negative then be prepaird and start thinking allready tht wth r u gona do next, how will u tackle the situation....

yaar dont mind but im just thinking tht, since u r 21 she must b around 20-21(and she can b of diff. caste/religion i dont know but just thinking) and it is a very easy for parents of a girl to give excuse to not marry there girl in such a way that u dont have much 2 say n tht way is called the emotional/senti way.....

it is nice tht u respect them, i would also have done the same but i dont want 2 miss on practical possibilities......

all the best for u n her 2gether......

possibility of kundli checking is much i guess... her mom is happy with me and collected my details some time back....


Hey dude,

How does your girlfriend look? If u don't make it I'll be glad to pass my kundali to her guru. Just tell me his email id, I'll pass it to him right away and trust me I'll take very gud care of her for u.

And also one more thing stop spamming with such nonsense. I am surprised every1 fell for it.
What does that mean....?? If you feel its a spam thread, stay away from it.. No need to hurt others' feelings and sentiments..!
possibility of kundli checking is much i guess... her mom is happy with me and collected my details some time back....
you are on the right track. Show them your sincearity, potential and skills. Impress the in-laws. If possible, pay a visit to this guruji of theirs, and get a good impression. Its as simple as that. No decent person can refuse a good man. Show them your goodness.


Ambassador of Buzz
Wow man, u are in some serious sh*t. Like mentioned by fellow forum members, start praying. Whether your gf's parents consults guruji or not, its their belief and u shouldn't do anything to hurt their feelings. And their decision is final and binding, don't do any heroics, it will cause more damage.

Best of luck bro, and also do keep us posted of the happenings. :)


you are on the right track. Show them your sincearity, potential and skills. Impress the in-laws. If possible, pay a visit to this guruji of theirs, and get a good impression. Its as simple as that. No decent person can refuse a good man. Show them your goodness.
Gurujis can do anything... refuse a good man too citing astrological reasons.. :(

jxcess2 said:
Spamming is not allowed in this forum. So many of my posts have been closed by the moderator calling them spam, so why shouldn't this be any different?
Report it then...! Let the mods decide.


Tribal Boy

I think we should not hurt anyone's feelings. Your comment was kinda rude. If you think this thread is a spam or you do not like it, comment on a nice manner, or report it to the mods with proper reason.

That guy might be believing in many things and also on the words of the Guruji. And I think we can give him suggestions or comments (or even criticize him) but respecting his idea / way of thinking.

I guess you are a very young guy or a person who do not give importance to other's sentiments. In both case, leaving a nice comment is always better - than being rude at the poor guy.


In the zone
hey I am not spamming re. I was feeling just a bit worried and thts y i started a thread so tht i can get some moral support from u all guys... it doesnt matter we havent seen each other.. but virtually we know each other. Time is the most important thing in our life and still we are spending it here to troubleshoot the problem of a person we dont even know... so as a matter of fact we are doing a very beautiful thing of being helpful to someone....

ONTOPIC: well still the fingers are crossed brothers.... right now there is a Healthy silence between me and her.. she will call me once the decision comes... and i will do similar to wat metalheadgautham said.


Legen-wait for it-dary!
^^ He posted this in a public forum for getting moral support. Not for getting flamed. If you have anything against this, start a thread in Fight Club, and we can go there and have a fun time till Kalpik decides to curfew on it :D

Dude, understand he is facing a tough time and needs encouragement, not advice against his girlfriend. If you're a doctor and a guy comes to you after drinking poison, will you advice him not to drink poison here after? NO! first you will cure him and then after he is well you would talk to him.

Jal Desai, I'm not saying you made any bad decisions, I'm just giving an example, and defending you :) All the best dude, things will work out, dont worry!


Staff member
isnt it quite opposite that in north guys family has an upper hand and in south girls family has an upper hand.

Btw I do suspect that may be u didnt prove ur worth to the parents so they r still in kind of dilemma to take the decision. Ask them that u want to meet the guruji. And if there really a guruji then beware of the superstitious beliefs of the gals family, if u like to be happy with orthodox beliefs then u r gtg else make sure u open their eyes (in a smart way).

And what is ur parents doing >???


Oh cmon, This guy posts here looking for your support, and all you guys come up with is how lame the girl's family is....
Good Luck dude, and I would suggest you marry no matter what the guru says.


Tribal Boy
Fully offtopic : Serious readers, please skip my post

If you are asking me to respect others viewpoints, don't u think that applies to you as well.
Sir, it will be great if you please tell me where I didn't give respect to other's viewpoints.

How does your girlfriend look? If u don't make it I'll be glad to pass my kundali to her guru. Just tell me his email id, I'll pass it to him right away and trust me I'll take very gud care of her for u.
This is called a rude or immature comment. And this is NOT criticism. Criticism should be constructive and not something that hurt others. Suppose you are in love with someone for a long time, everything ok and you are getting married soon. Now what you feel if some one come and say - Man, give her details to me, let me give a try and I will take care of her for you. Don't you think that is NOT the way you should criticize him ?

Just as you have the right to tell science is everything and you believe only in science, that guy has the right to believe in horoscope, astrology and in Gurujis. If the majority of the forum ask you to believe in astrology, you will believe in that ? Every one has their own way of thinking, and beliefs. Being a public forum, yes we do have the right to criticize someone but we should not be rude or immature in doing that. I think that is the right way (may be I am wrong).

It is not about astorolgy is better or science. It is about how to post in a nice manner. And to make it more clear, I never said astrology is everything or the Guruji's word should be final. Hes 21 now, let him make his own decision. Give him only suggestions and your opinions.


The Thread Killer >:)
@jxcess2-As a new member of the forum, you still don't understand how each member on this forum is. From your replies, we all assume that you are new to forumming since you keep * so much. Anyway, I've reported your first post. I'll let the mods handle you from there. Trust me, you don't want to be flamed here :D


Best of luck...i hope you both the best no matter what the decision is.
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