Must NOT Watch Movies Thread V1: Personal Opinions


Right Off the Assembly Line
Tenida 2012
Nonsense and idiotic movie.Poor work in every aspect.The original classic is miles better than this infact comparing the original with this one will be a great insult to the original.


Aspiring Novelist
Blade Runner...

Some brain/mind fxxxing films
Mulholland Dr.
Lost Highway
Vanilla Sky
Fight club

Have anyone of you guys nauseating experience (or some kind of motion sickness) when watching Cloverfield? I couldn't watch more than 20 minutes...


Worst movies i could think of are:
Ghost macine(why did i even watch this film in the first place)
Wrath of titans(Not even worth to be called the sequel of clash of titans)
Dragon ball Evolution(i cried watching this)

:oops:OMG i almost forgot SPY KIDS 4 can you belive me!!!


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Freeloaders.. I watched it as it was from Broken Lizzard, but its a waste of time.
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