Music.. but Which??

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Šupər♂ - 超人
Mr InfoHardDisk... ur question was "Which is the best Audio Format avaliable today" The question itself is vague... but 4 ur kind info... if u want an allround music file which could work 4 all&any player, b it cd, mp3player or Windows, bear it... WAV... which is HUUUGGEEEE space grabber.. the next in versatility would defintely b MP3... great compression, good quality... but the bitrate u encode it matters... it is lossy as others pointed out.. but there is Monkeys.. codec which is lossless.. like zip format.. try that for quality.. but size is reduced to 1/2 or 1/3 thats all...

check at the site *

U'll get most of ur answers... and MP4... why depend on something which is not yet established in the market?


The Photoshop Guy
infohardik said:

U should'nt compress ur MP3

and hence there is no use for any change of format if u r using it on ur PC.

??? M I right ????

:D mp3 itself is a compressed format. Loss of quality does happen but it is barely noticable by human ears..... so u need not worry :p
a *wav is usually 50 - 60 mb and it's compressed format @160 kbps mp3 should be around 5-6 mb....
anyways this info will help u understand the mp3 strandars

encoded at
64 kbps - radio quality
128 kbps- near CD quality
160 kbps - CD quality
> 160 kbps it's just pure waste of hd space 'csue u can't differenicniate the sound loss :D

..:: Peace ::..


Ambassador of Buzz
i tried ogg vorbis audio encoder for converting files to divx . i get a lot of options like mode 1,2,3 and 1+,2+,3+ . which is more closer to mp3 and ideal for good sound in block buster movies and which one for ordinary ones . why can;t i get settings lower than 64kbps ??
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