mt882 using yast 2

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Right off the assembly line
hi guys
have any of tried configure bsnl modem using yast 2(suse10.0)?
I tired it but with little success.
i copied the settings of the 'ipconfig /all' in windows to yast
ping command did not work.
ifconfig doesnot contain eth0
thanking you chintan

get a lan card just for 150-175rs then it is work of breeze else u have to do a little reseach yourself.

it is possible but is really difficult


Commander in Chief
Ok tell me the way if you have discovered it! I didnt say its completely impossible. Just at the moment its not yet known how to config it or other unrecognized USB devices (on new distros)


Commander in Chief
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[But I just enabled DHCP and it auto configured the whole net for me :)]


Wise Old Owl
Even Ubuntu uses DHCP and automatically configures. No need to provide
IP address , subnet mask etc., Cyberzook, if you don't want an always on Net
connection, just disconnect the cable jack. That solves your problem.
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