LOL noob.
3.4 Ghz is the NORMAL Turbo boost of the core i7 4700MQ and core i7 4700HQ. Overclocking above this leads to high temps.
Intel Core i7 4700MQ vs 4700HQ
Some more benchmarks. In some core i7 4700MQ performs better while in others core i7 4700HQ performs better. Just so you know, every computer is different and there are major differences between even same models.
According to your benchmarks, the max for both are the same. The low results of some core i7 4700MQ are due to thermal bottlenecking. In some of other benchmarks core i7 4700MQ wins whereas in others 4700HQ wins by 0.5-1%. This much is acceptable between even same proccys.
So much for trying to prove me wrong. *sigh*. Try not to be so self-righteous, be humble and post with an open-mind.
core i7 HQ is the better proccy only when both are overclocked using expensive Thermal pastes and additional copper heatsinks but in real world usage both processors give the same performance.
core i7 4700MQ overheats without OC in Y510p. These proccys won't overheat 17 inchers but OCing them definitely will. Besides both of them are very powerful and don't need overclocking.
Overall imo core i7 4700MQ is still better as this one is not soldered to the mobo and can be upgraded later if need be.
Intel Core i7 4700MQ Notebook Processor - Tech
As I said before, do some research and verify your facts before calling others a "noob".
The 4700mq turbo's upto 3.4 ghz on a single core,3.3 ghz on two cores and 3.2 on a quad core config(no of active cores).Overclocking it will run the 4700mq at 3.4 ghz on a quad core config, similarly a 4700hq will run at 3.6 ghz on a quad core config when overclocked.
And no, overclocking these proccys by such a small amount does not require expensive heat sinks and thermal pastes, an efficient cooling system of a gaming laptop should be enough to handle the extra heat.
Read this and enlighten yourself !
4700HQ overclocking
And just so you know, I always post with humility until people start calling me a noob(on more than one seperate occasion, that too without reason) and start writing/shouting "WRONG" in caps.