Mounting Question

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Dark Star

Cyborg Agent
Recently I switched al my partitions to XFS :) Now I was using openSUSE 11 at that time.. I used the inbuilt partitioner to mount.. It was quick.. There was an option mount by Device Name.. which provide name to HDD like My Comp, Docs etc.. Is it possible to do that just by editing the mount point in fstab ? WIll it change the name too ?

Or any other method ! Like my current mount point is /media/disk Will replaceing disk by Files will change the name too ? Apart from that why Fedora doesn't have support for Commands like fdisk -l , lshw[I know it is not installed] , lspci , and much more?
How do I enable restricted format support in Fedora 9.. :p



Staff member
Fedora has fdisk -l command, its just that by default it doesn't include the "bin" directory where these binaries are

su -
to change to root.
the "-" is necessary to include the bin dir where these binaries are :D
Dark Star

Dark Star

Cyborg Agent
XFS is the fastest Filesystem atleast what I noticed. Copying files was never so zippy :p Just one question. None of the OS mount it automatically .. I have open Nautilus under roor and change things under Properties..

btw how can change this. the Fedora fstab looks mess.. Where is my XFS partitions :s .. I have one XFS partitions and one ext3 partitions ! ..
UUID=34a47b9a-7396-4a0d-ace7-7de8ffc19402 /                       ext3    defaults        1 1
tmpfs                   /dev/shm                tmpfs   defaults        0 0
devpts                  /dev/pts                devpts  gid=5,mode=620  0 0
sysfs                   /sys                    sysfs   defaults        0 0
proc                    /proc                   proc    defaults        0 0
UUID=b5731dab-3277-4fc3-bfd9-bdc81e9e8d88 swap                    swap    defaults        0 0


Staff member
^^those all are not your data partitions except for the / one...lolz
tmpfs,devpts,sysfs and proc are temporary partition, created on each reboot and destroyed on each shutdown.
last one is swap mounted using UUID, first one is / mounted using UUID

Guess you have to create manual entries.


Think Zen.
XFS is the fastest Filesystem atleast what I noticed. Copying files was never so zippy :p Just one question. None of the OS mount it automatically ..

Yeah , Xfs is friggin fast.

And Zenwalk mounts it automatically , I got two Xfs partitions and they get mounted fine.

Only dumb thing with Xfs is that GRUB doesnt boot off it.
But then again we always got LILO.
Dark Star

Dark Star

Cyborg Agent
A lame question :S DOes SUSE 11 comes with LILO ? If not .. then it booted with XFS as my filesystem ?


left this forum longback
what do you actually want? I think you can mount by "mount -t xfs /dev/sdx /mnt " from another distro.
regarding mounting your other distro/window$ partitions ,you can make directories like My_Documents, My_Computer etc and mount with fstab!.

* regarding restricted blah ! .


In Pursuit of "Happyness"
Make a separate /boot partition with ext2 on it (100 mb would do).. And i seriously hope you dont loose power while the system is on.. XFS screws up pretty bad! That way, JFS is a VERY good balance betweek speed and stability :)


Staff member
^^wats the harm is sticking to ext3 ?
Every filesystem has its disadvantages !


BSD init pwns System V
creating a shell script for that purpose would help i think so.. I've created a script that mounts my ntfs-3g and HFS+ partitions under OpenSUSE 11 without any probs..

1. Make a folder in your home folder with respective names of the partitions.
2. Then,

mount /dev/sda2 /home/dark/name
mount /dev/sda2 /home/dark/name2

etc etc.. like this

then you can change the permissions by chmod u+x

now open terminal and execute the shell script as root user..

If you wanna add write support then i assume you should try chmod 777 /dev/sdaX

regarding power failures... you can try fsck command to fix your disk
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BSD init pwns System V
Is JFS supported by OpenSUSE 11.. and if yes tell me how can i convert my filesystem into OpenSUSE 11.. currently ext3
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