Microsoft takes email design back 5 years

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Distinguished Member
"If you haven't already heard, I'm talking about the recent news that Outlook 2007, released next month, will stop using Internet Explorer to render HTML emails and instead use the crippled Microsoft Word rendering engine.*

Outlook enjoys a 75-80% share of the corporate email market, which is similar to Internet Explorer's share of the browser market - they make the rules."

what this means ?
No background images
Poor background color support
No support for float or position
Shocking box model support

This really changes the rules of the game says this post.


The Devil's Advocate
well as of now i know many corporate companies make use of the templates in outlook .... the first 2 points will certainly change that


well....bad move. But they had to do it, i mean, if there is a flaw in IE rendering engine, it also affects the Outlook Rendering engine too, so for security reasons they should remove it indeed.

& yeah, corporate enviroment use templates a lot, they save nearly 60% of the time they spends sending mails
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