Microsoft drops few clues about IE8

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May 02, 2007 (Computerworld) Microsoft Corp. dodged questions this week at the Mix07 Web developer conference about when it plans to update its Internet Explorer browser to Version 8.
During a session on the development of its current browser, IE7, Chris Wilson, Microsoft's platform architect for Internet Explorer, wouldn't name a timetable when asked about a commitment to more frequent updates. He slipped past the question by saying, "I don't see another time when we go another five years without an upgrade."
Microsoft essentially shut down Internet Explorer development after it rolled out IE6 in August 2001; IE7 went final five years and two months later.
"It's a challenge," Wilson said. "Some want us to update in every service pack, or even in the monthly security updates, but that makes a moving target [for developers]."
At last year's Mix event, Microsoft suggested that IE would be refreshed every 12 to 18 months. However, Wilson said that every two years would be more likely. "There's no exact date," he said, "[but] your expectation of having a new browser platform every couple of years is a valid point." Two years from IE7's October 2006 release would put IE8 on track to appear in the fall of 2008.
Microsoft was criticized for the long gap between IE6 and IE7, with most analysts citing the lack of an update as one reason why Mozilla Corp.'s Firefox browser has been able to steal about 15% of the market from IE.
Wilson also refused to spell out specific changes planned for the next IE. "I'm not going to show you a feature list, because I'm not allowed to," he said.
He did spill a few clues about what Microsoft would emphasize in IE8, however, or might ask developers to code for. "As always, security is job No. 1." The development team will also make IE more compliant with Cascading Style Sheet 2.1 layout standards and increase the browser's object model to make it more compliant with other browsers. "[Asynchronous JavaScript and XML also] needs more client-side APIs [application programming interfaces] for local storage or a better security model for mashups," said Wilson.
One change that sounded definite would be to require Web site developers to "opt in" to IE's standards mode. "We have to balance compliance [with standards] with site compatibility any time we change IE," he said. "We have to come up with approaches to solve this problem." Microsoft's solution would be to make developers shoulder the responsibility if their sites break when rendered by IE8. Right now, Wilson said, "we can't tell if [site] authors intended standards [mode] or if they expect [their site's] behavior not to change" when they choose IE's standards mode.
"In the future, we will need authors to opt in to standards," he said. "We don't know how this will work [yet]. This gives us the freedom to do some great things, to break compatibility with CSS or change [Document Object Model] APIs without breaking pages."
According to the newest numbers from Web metrics vendor Net Applications, IE retains a commanding market share of 78%; Firefox accounts for 15.4%. Mozilla has said it will launch the next major Firefox update before the end of the year.

source: *


mera kutch nahi ho sakta
At last year's Mix event, Microsoft suggested that IE would be refreshed every 12 to 18 months. However, Wilson said that every two years would be more likely
Earlier it was once every year, then 12-18months and now every 2 years. Typical! Not that I am complaining, but web-developers will.

Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
chesss said:
Earlier it was once every year, then 12-18months and now every 2 years. Typical! Not that I am complaining, but web-developers will.
mate , web deevloper's will not be complaining coz they need a standard base platform which should be stable for a long period of time , this way they can be sure that the apps they develop will work in browsers for a long period before they need to be updated to support the latest technologies n rendering engines .


mera kutch nahi ho sakta
web deevloper's will not be complaining coz they need a standard base platform which should be stable for a long period of time , this way they can be sure that the apps they develop will work in browsers for a long period before they need to be updated to support the latest technologies n rendering engines
That's true, web developers need 'standards'. and thats why a new version of IE is required that is more standards compliant. Even microsoft's own web developers were sick of the lack of standards support in IE6.
Read what the creator of CSS has to say about IE7 - *
If IE had been supporting standards sites not working issue would have been minimal.

Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
chesss said:
That's true, web developers need 'standards'. and thats why a new version of IE is required that is more standards compliant. Even microsoft's own web developers were sick of the lack of standards support in IE6.
Read what the creator of CSS has to say about IE7 - *
If IE had been supporting standards sites not working issue would have been minimal.
but standards need to be there for a loooong time , IE6 didn't support most of the early standards but now since it supports the "Standard Standards" there's no hurry for IE8


mera kutch nahi ho sakta
IE 6 was good ....... many webpages r rendered FANTASTICALLY in IE than FF \ opera
dude dude dude..
IE renders pages 'phantasticly' because many webpages are 'designed' to work in IE and around IE6 bugs. Don't be under the impression that IE6 was better than opera/ff . Infact since IE6 standards support was so swful, many pages designed to work around IE6 bugs simply broke on IE7 (which didn't have those bugs) - *"Ie7+broke|breakes"+website|webpages&btnG=Search
Also google for 'browser sniffing' - where a website detects a non-IE browser and sends broken code to it.
Also see *

See how other browsers have to struggle because of IE *
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Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
chesss said:
dude dude dude..
IE renders pages 'phantasticly' because many webpages are 'designed' to work in IE and around IE6 bugs. Don't be under the impression that IE6 was better than opera/ff . Infact since IE6 standards support was so swful, many pages designed to work around IE6 bugs simply broke on IE7 (which didn't have those bugs) - *"Ie7+broke|breakes"+website|webpages&btnG=Search
Also google for 'browser sniffing' - where a website detects a non-IE browser and sends broken code to it.
Also see *

See how other browsers have to struggle because of IE *
that's the point , now since IE7 supports standards there's no immediate need of IE8 :D


Ax3 im with u and IE...........u all want opera and ff to be ahead of IE but fact of the matter is IE still rocks

Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
chesss said:
IE7 does a better job, but its still crap :) . read the 'ford pinto' article.
please mate , don't act like anothey Linux fanboy or macboy , Ie7 supports all the latest standards very well n each browser has it's share of problems , y just single out IE ?
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